1-2-24: “The Demons Tremble”

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons
believe and tremble!
” James 2:19

Today there are people who say they do not believe in God. They are not concerned about an after life or facing accountability for their lives or their sin. There are many more people who say they believe in God and life after death but that “belief” makes no difference in their lives. These people have faith like demons. James, the brother of Jesus,
makes that point in his epistle on faith and works. He tells his
listeners that one can know truth about God, have Biblical knowledge but it resides only in their head, it does not penetrate one’s heart. This knowledge is no better than the knowledge of trivia.

In Chapter 2 verse 19 James writes that there are those who
boast in their knowledge that there is one true God. In a 2022
research study, 70% of Americans say they believe in one true
God in three persons. 66% agree Biblical accounts of the
physical (bodily) resurrection of Jesus are completely accurate
more than half of Americans believe God measures righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ rather than one’s works. Those findings sound good except for one thing. 100% of demons believe these same truths but it does not change their behavior. In fact James says that the demons tremble over these truths. This is the only time the word “tremble” is used in the New Testament. It means to shudder or bristle with fear. Jeremiah uses the word for shudder when he writes, “’Has a nation ever changed its gods? But my people have exchanged their glory for worthless idols. Be appalled at this, O heavens, and SHUDDER with great horror,’ declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 2:11-12). We should shudder and tremble at not knowing the one true God!

What does this tell us? The demons know who God is. They have seen His throne room and know His majesty. They know his word is true. They know what God said about their judgment and eternal destiny. They know the horror of living outside the goodness and mercy of God. They know what God said about eternal separation from Him. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt the words of the Bible are true and they even shudder at what they know. Here is the key. It does not change their heart. They know the truths of God and hate Him for it. They despise what they know to be true and despite knowing the truth they purpose in their hearts to make God a liar.
The truth of God does not cause them to shudder in repentance of their sin but to shudder in fear of the consequences they
face for their rebellion. The knowledge the demons have makes no difference. There is no repentance of sin or love for God or others. There is no desire to serve God, to obey His Word.

This is what James is warning his listeners about. They have knowledge but that is not the litmus test to prove that their faith in God is real. God’s word, if it does not change one’s heart and then their behavior, is not truly believed. It is academic, not personal. James tells his listeners the same thing that Jesus and the Apostle John wrote. “If you love me, keep my commandments.” “By this shall all men know we are His disciples, if we love one another.”

Knowing God in the heart (as opposed to knowing about God in the mind) changes a person. True faith always results in the fruit of the Spirit which produces genuine works pleasing to God. Demons know but have no fruit that remains.

God warns us, “Examine your heart”!