1-22-24: Is Your God Able?

And when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. The king spoke, saying to Daniel, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?” Daniel 6:20

Before the world began God knew this test of Daniel was really a test of Him. He knew the question that would be on Darius’ mind. God knew Darius would realize there was no hope for Daniel’s life unless his God intervened. Darius knew he was powerless to do anything. This is exactly the point a person has to come to before they can believe in God. It is why God allowed Nebuchadnezzar to think and live like an animal for 7 years. Unless a person is humbled they will never bow their knee to worship the living and true God. Thus we see and learn a major reason God allows tests in a believer’s life – to reach others with the knowledge of the living and true God.
And when he came to the den Isn’t it interesting Darius goes to the den? When people who have lived a Godly life are persecuted without cause, it draws many people’s attention. This is what draws many to look at the cross of our Lord and the crosses his children carry for Him.
He cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel Darius cries out with a grieving and troubled voice but note he calls to Daniel. He has hope that possibly God has answered his prayer so he calls to Daniel, the man who by all rights should be dead.
Daniel, servant of the living God Daniel’s reputation remains. This is the reason God chose him for this test. It is the reason he will faithfully pass the test. Daniel is not the issue here – it is his God. The word servant means slave. Darius knows he is not Daniel’s master, his God is. Darius knows it was for a good reason Daniel defied his law.
Has your God Again we see it is really God who is being tested. Neither Daniel’s wisdom or survival skills could deliver him. This problem could be solved only by the living and true God. So the question is did God choose to save Daniel?
Whom you serve continually Daniel has proven his loyalty to God, he risked his life to obey God. Daniel’s life was an example of consistency. No matter if God’s command was large or small, Daniel obeyed Him every single time.
Been able to deliver you from the lions? Darius’ question is striking. He asks how great is your God? Is he powerful enough (able) to free you (deliver) from a force no man can control (the impossible)? This is the key question of salvation. Is God able to forgive me of my sin, to pay the debt I owe to deliver me from the second death of separation from God forever (that no man or angel can do)? Daniel lived before Paul wrote that God is “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think” but he knew the truth of those words. Now Darius is learning the greatness of God also.
What can we learn? God’s ability to deliver is not new to Daniel. Remember that his three friends told King Nebuchadnezzar “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king” Now Darius comes to the truth that is at the heart of faith. We can trust no
one or no thing to deliver us but God. Zephaniah 1:18 says, “Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them”. God’s tests teach us this truth – God is able to deliver us from any circumstances and, in doing so, God reveals Himself to unbelievers. But will they believe not only that His is able but that He is worthy to be trusted? Will you?