1-24-24: The Key To Pleasing God

Now the king was exceedingly glad for him, 
and commanded that they should take Daniel up 
out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of 
the den, and no injury whatever was found on 
him, because he believed in his God.”
                                   Daniel 6:23

Daniel’s test is over. I Corinthians 10:13 says
“God isfaithful, who will not allow you to be 
tempted beyond what you  are able, but with the
temptation will also make the way of escape, 
that you may be able to bear it.Now the king was exceedingly glad for him 
Darius is besides himself with joy. His failure in passing an evil law has not caused the
death of his most trusted servant. He found out who his true loyal
servant is and who are his enemies. Most importantly he received
proof that Daniel’s God is living, powerful and able. That is enough to
bring great joy to Darius’ heart.
Commanded that they should take Daniel up out 
of the den Darius gives the command to bring 
Daniel up out of the den. This indicates the 
use of a ladder or rope to bring him up out of
a sunken pit. Spiritually this reminds us of 
what God does for his faithful servant. – 
“lifts them up and puts their feet upon a rock”
So Daniel was taken up out of the den The king 
is frantic to get Daniel out of the den. His 
servants quickly lower a rope or ladder into 
the den to get Daniel out rather than wait for 
the stone to be removed from the mouth of the 
den. (God can turn things around very quickly!)
No injury whatever was found on him Daniel is 
carefully examined and his elderly body shows 
the full protection of God’s care. There is no 
injury (this can be translated hurt or damages), 
no scratches, bites or any other injuries. God 
allowed his servant to suffer only so much and
then no more.
Because he believed in his God We come to the 
key phrase in the chapter. Why was Daniel 
delivered? What did God want Darius to observe
in the life of Daniel? How did Daniel please 
God through this test? The answer to all those 
questions is faith. Scripture tells us that 
without faith it is “impossible” to please God.
Daniel trusted God in the most dire circumstances. 
Why did he do that? He knew God’s ability to 
deliver him, (exactly the question Darius asked). 
He trusted God’s will to do what God knew was
right. Our faith in God allows the power and 
reality of our God to be revealed to others. 
Hebrews 11:33 says by faith some “stopped the 
mouths of lions”. Think of this situation from
Daniel’s perspective. He had done the right 
thing, honored the king, kept God’s word by not
taking from the king what did not belong to him, 
he was innocent but accused falsely then punished and faced death for obeying God. He could have thrown up his hands and claimed this was not fair or just. He could have asked “why is all this happening to me?”. Instead Daniel trusted God. He knew God is good, he knew it was not his responsibility to judge others – that belonged to God. So he obeyed and waited on God to act. What was the result? Daniel was instrumental in bringing the leaders of the world’s greatest empire to faith in the living and true God (like Nebuchadnezzar).
Would Daniel say his suffering was worth it? 
Absolutely! So would God (and Darius)!