1-28-24: Lessons from Daniel 6

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” I Corinthians 10:11

There are many lessons we can draw out of this event in Daniel’s

First we see how Daniel’s priority was the kingdom of God. This was an active focus in his life. He practiced Godly discipline day in and day
out. We see this in his prayer life. He was consistent in the routine parts of his life yet when crisis came into his life, he changed nothing. He did
what was necessary to live for God in the normal times. Nothing changed when he was tested. Some of us believe we will do great things for God when a crisis comes. The sad truth is if we do not prepare the spiritual disciplines to tap into God’s strength now, we will fall away when heat is applied to our faith (just like Peter did at the Lord’s crucifixion). Want to be strong in the Lord? Start now!
Second, we see that believers that live Godly lives will suffer persecution. Daniel 6 gives us an object lesson of what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:12-14. “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus
shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them
.” Why does this happen? Because Godly living threatens others and when that happens they try to remove the threat. Daniel shows us that we do not live our live in fear of persecution. Instead we trust the God who is in control and who allows into our lives only what He knows is good for us, that will mature us and bring Him glory.
Third, for the second time in the book of Daniel we see that God does not always deliver us out of trials but sometimes through them This should leave us with great encouragement for it means we will never be alone despite the test we face.
Fourth, Daniel knew God was in control and that meant his life. Daniel received from God great prophecies of kingdoms that God would rise up, establish and put down. In studying those truths, Daniel began to understand that meant God was in charge of his life too. He realized there are no accidents in a believer’s life. “All things work together for good.” The lions’ den was as much from the hand of God as was his promotion to one of the top three administrators in the kingdom. As a result he did not throw a tantrum when things that seemed negative or dangerous happened to him. His trust and praise in God was the same during hard times as it was when he was basking in God’s blessings. That consistency comes from trusting in God alone.
Fifth, we are reminded of the need for prayer – fellowship, communication with God. Remember the disciples who were close to the Lord saw his sufferings and his power. As they watched him, they tried to figure out where he got the strength and wisdom to live faithfully. Eventually they hit on the key and they asked him to “teach us to pray”.
Finally, Daniel give us a living example of one who understood that without prayer he could not stand for God. It was this core behavior that his enemies chose to test. If they could stop him from praying, he would not, could no longer live for God. The secret sauce? ABIDE IN THE LIVING AND TRUE GOD no matter what circumstances you face. (Remember blessings are as much a test of loyalty as suffering is! Stay faithful.)