1-31-24: Easter in Daniel 6

And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” Luke 24:27

On the road to Emmaus the Lord took the Old Testament scriptures and
taught how they pointed to Him. One of the passages He may have discussed is Daniel 6 for it clearly points to Christ at Easter. Note the similarities and see if there are others you can find.
1. Daniel was a royal son of Judah whose superior wisdom and excellent spirit set him apart from his peers (Daniel 1:3, Daniel 6:3) Jesus was a royal son of Judah whose superior wisdom and excellent spirit set him apart from all humankind (Matthew 1:1, Acts 10:38).

2. Daniel’s intended appointment as chief ruler over Babylon angered the other leaders who were envious of him. (Daniel 6:3) Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah angered the Jewish leaders who were envious of him. (Matthew 2:1–2, John 1:49, Matthew 27:18).

3. The officials conspired against Daniel (Daniel 6:4). The priests and the elders conspired against Jesus (Matthew 26:3–4)

4. Daniel was betrayed by his peers. Jesus was betrayed by his disciple.

5. They could find nothing to with which charge Daniel with (Daniel 6:4) They could find no fault in Jesus (Matthew 26:59–60, Luke 23:14–15).

6. Daniel chose willingly to break man’s law to do the will of his God (Daniel 6:10) Jesus chose willingly to break man’s “law” to obey the will of his Father (John 10:18).

7. Daniel’s accusers had to lie to get him convicted (Daniel 6:13). Jesus was convicted by false witnesses (Matthew 26:61, 65, 66)

8. Daniel was arrested while praying in his room when his enemies came to spy on him (Daniel 6:11). Jesus was arrested while praying in the Garden when his enemies came to arrest him (Matthew 26:36, 45, 46)

9. King Darius unsuccessfully tried to save Daniel (Daniel 6:14). Pilate unsuccessfully tried to save Jesus (Luke 23:22).

10. Daniel was cast into the pit (Daniel 6:16). Jesus was laid in the tomb (Luke 23:53).

11. Angels ministered to Daniel in the lion’s den. Angels were with Christ in the tomb.

12. Daniel was lifted out of the pit after he was to have died. Christ arose.

13. Daniel’s “grave” was covered with a stone and sealed with the king’s seal (Daniel 6:17). Jesus’ grave was covered with a stone and sealed with the Roman seal (Matthew 27:60, 65, 66).

14. The king found Daniel alive early the next morning (Daniel 6:19–22). The women found Jesus alive early in the  morning (Mark 16:2, Luke 24:2–3, Matthew 28:9).

15. Daniel’s enemies were destroyed (Daniel 6:24). Jesus’ enemies were disarmed and put to shame (Colossians 2:15).

16. Daniel’s bones were spared (Daniel 6:24). Jesus’s bones were not broken (John 19:36).

17. Daniel’s deliverance led to the praise and worship of God in Babylon (Daniel 6:26). Jesus’ deliverance from death led to the universal praise of God (Philippians 2:9–11)

18. Daniel prospered in the house of the king. Jesus reigns on the throne of God.

If we look carefully every passage in Scripture points us to the Lord Jesus Christ.