1-9-24: No Skeletons In The Closet?

Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.” Daniel 6:5

The world fights really dirty. There is no limit which the world is not willing to cross to bring down God and His servants. When God and His word are rejected, the end justifies the means. This is seen clearly in the life of Daniel.
Finally after an extensive search that the administrators and satraps thought would easily uncover some dirt on Daniel, they realize
there are no charges that can be brought against him. The search of his job is ended and the cabal regroups to find another way to bring Daniel down.

We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel There is no public scandal nor private dealing that in any way show Daniel has misused his position. His public record is blameless. This should have so stunned the enemies of Daniel that they would withdraw their objections to his promotion. That would not happen, however, for there was much for these men of darkness to lose if a man of light were to “rule over” them . (See why so many reject Christ?)
Unless it has something to do with the law of his God True evil does not stop and repent when it uncovers the truth. These men have one goal – to destroy Daniel’s reputation. In studying his life they begin to realize there is one area in Daniel’s life in which he is totally rigid and inflexible – that is in following the law of his (not their) God. They begin to realize they can set up a situation where the law of the Medes and the law of Daniel’s God are in conflict. That way he will have to choose who he will follow. They are sure they know Daniel’s choice and if they are right they can prove to the king Daniel is disloyal to him.
What can we learn? Believers are to be aware of the “wiles of the devil”. In this passage God shows another way Satan attacks us. He tries to prove we are hypocrites, that our private lives are inconsistent with our public testimonies. If that does not work he tries to orchestrate the laws of the land so that believers face a choice of loyalty – do they love the things of this earth or the things of God?
We see this same issue in the book of Acts. Peter and the apostles are preaching, doing miracles and many are being saved. The
Jewish High Priest is incensed and demands the apostles stop preaching. In fact, he has them thrown into prison to stop them.
After God miraculously releases them they go back to doing what God called them to do – preach the gospel. The High Priest finds them preaching in the temple and attempts to use the laws of religion and government to silence them. He threatens the disciples. “Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, you fill Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” Peter gives the believer’s response – one we must remember in the day in which we live – “We ought to obey God
rather than men”. If Satan cannot compromise our lives by having us shamed by our sin, he will try to use the laws of the land to silence believers. Like Daniel and Peter, if we are to be faithful to
our Lord, we cannot bow down to laws that silence His truth.

Be ready, this test is coming.