2-1-24: Seeing Hell in Daniel 6

These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.”
2 Thessalonians 1:9

Before we leave Daniel 6 we have to take note of one other truth God has embedded into this chapter. Not only does God show us a faithful servant under persecution, a faithful God who protects and preserves his children and an insight into the Easter story of the suffering Messiah, he gives us an insight into the horror of hell – the destination of those who reject the love of God and His truth. Just as God never reveals in His word the true glory of being with Him in heaven, he also never describes the true full horror of being separated from Him in hell. As we read His word, however, we come across words and verses of scripture that give us insights into what it will be like to be separated from all that God is. That horror causes us to tremble.
We often think of hell in terms of the lake of fire and the anguish of dwelling in a fire that never goes out. Hell is much more than the physical anguish, as horrible as that is. There is also extreme mental anguish that will never cease. The memories of those in hell are untouched as they remember their time in this life and ponder an eternity without any comfort, rest or hope. We see this mental anguish in King Darius as he lies on his bed pondering the fate of Daniel in the lion’s den. Daniel 6:18 tells us, “Now the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting; and no musicians were brought before him. Also his sleep went from him.” What anguish did the king suffer that night that is an illustration of what hell will be like?
Now the king Whether it is a king or a pauper all men come under the judgment of God for their sin. Darius knew he was guilty.
Went to his palace Hell is a prepared place. Scripture tells us Judas “went to his place” after death. Just as heaven is prepared for the individual believer, hell is prepared specifically for every unbeliever. A place specifically designed for the individual and his worst fears.
Spent the night fasting First we see hell is a place of darkness – scripture calls it outer darkness. There will be no visual objects to take one’s mind off his memories and agonies. Second we see it is a place of hunger and thirst. Christ is the living water and the bread of life. When a person rejects God and all that He is, that person is left with the opposite. Thus hell is excruciating hunger and thirst. Remember the words of the rich man in Hades? “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.” A place so horrible that just one drop of water would be seen as immeasurable relief.
No musicians were brought before him The king would have no musicians that night. There was nothing that could take away the memories of what he had done, the fearful anticipation of what lay ahead because of his actions. The king would remember the men who double crossed himand hate them for their deception. He would remember the words of Daniel to him about God and his ignorant, willful rejection of the truth. The king would not be able to get away from his thoughts that condemned, angered and made him sorrowful. No music, no joy to ease the intense grief in the mind. By the way, this is the opposite of heaven which we are told is a place of singing, worship and joy because we are with God.
His sleep went from him Next we read that he had no peace, relaxation or rest. The night was one of relentless anguish and anxiety.
Hell is not soul sleep, it is not a state of unconsciousness. In hell there is no getting away from the constant reminder that a person has chosen an eternity apart from God and his goodness. As a result there is no hope for eternity – the greatest anxiety of all.
What can we learn? The king spent a restless anxiety filled night focused on grief of his own actions, anger at what others tricked him into and sorrow over what could have been. No rest, no peace, no joy, no needs fulfilled. Only one night but a small insight into eternity for those who reject the living and true God. In Daniel 6 we see the resurrected Savior and we see eternity apart from him. God’s word says “Today is the day of salvation”. This is not the eternity God wants for anyone but He will allow it if that is what one chooses for himself.