3-13-24: Bad “Doings”

Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Proverbs 20:11

Every child who grew up in a Bible believing home probably heard this verse many times. Even a child The verse starts off with a statement that is so universal that it even applies to small toddlers. Is known The word means to be recognized or characterized. This is the person’s reputation – it is what people come to expect of another.
Doings It means practices, deeds, endeavors or typical acts. Our acts define us.
Whether his work be pure It is known if a child is kind, honest or truthful (or not). Pure means clean, without spot or blemish. This is the child who always obeys and never gets in trouble.
Whether it be right The word right means straight, fit or upright – obedient to God’s word and submissive to the God-given authority over him or her.
It has been said there is not a verse in Scripture that is not commented on or explained by another verse in Scripture. If this is true, what examples show us the truths of this verse?
Manasseh Manasseh became king when he was only 12 and reigned for 55 years, the longest in the history of Judah. He was the oldest son of Godly king Hezekiah yet scripture says “He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, following the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites”. During his reign, he built local shrines and worship to idols. He even allowed the worship of Baal and Asherah in God’s Temple. His evil was so great in the eyes of the Lord, that God said he was more wicked than the Amorites who lived in Canaan before Israel came into the land. Bad doings!
Josiah Josiah began his reign at age 8 after his father was assassinated. His grandfather was Manasseh and his father was Amon, two of the most evil kings in Israel. Josiah began the repair of the temple, found God’s word and had it read to the people and led Israel in national repentance to God for forgetting and forsaking His word. Second Kings 23:25 records, “Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses, nor did any like him arise after him.” Good doings!
Jesus We don’t know much about Jesus’ childhood but one verse gives us insight into his “deeds”. Luke 2:52 says, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” The word increased means to advance or to make progress. The Lord grew
in wisdom. This refers to the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. He studied and memorized God’s Word. It also refers to intelligence and insight and skill in use of concepts. He was wise, even as a child. The Lord advanced in stature. This refers to age
and maturity. He grew into a man of maturity. God’s word says he grew in favor with God and man. Favor means sweetness,
good-will and loving-kindness. His reputation, what Proverbs says he is known by is that he pleased God and man – how he
behaved and acted to God and others.
What can we learn? Satan wants Christian children – to keep them from knowing God’s word as a child or to reject it as an adult. It is sad how many times in scripture we read of a Godly king having children who are evil in God’s sight.
How does that happen? Even Godly parents, if they do not take time to teach their children about God (their doings), they will raise kids with very bad doings!