3-30-24: A Few, But Only A Few

You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.” Revelation 3:4

More stunning words from the Lord. In the dead church at Sardis there are a few believers – people who have placed their faith and
trust in Christ. This reminds that in “churches” and “denominations” that are called by Christ’s name but who have denied His Word, His truth, His resurrection, His return there are still a few, even amidst the apostasy who are true believers. You have a few names The Lord looks and sees a few but only a few. The Lord used the word in Matthew 7:14. “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” The word name means the manifestation of one’s character. In Hebrew, a name is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs, it is their essence.
Even in Sardis If the Lord could be amazed (He can’t), this would be the place. There are a few true believers in this dead church? Unbelievable.
Who have not defiled their garments The Lord tells us what these few are like. They wear garments. The Lord will counsel the church at Laodicea to “buy…white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen”.
These few wear garments that are not defiled (the word means stained or polluted) with sin. The Lord makes the point that they have not defiled their garments – their sins have been forgiven by the blood of the Lord and they walk worthy to His teachings.
They shall walk with Me The Lord says they will walk with Him – the idea is they will live in His presence. Immediately we picture Eden where God walked in fellowship with Adam and Eve. “How can two walk together unless they be agreed?”
In white The word means brilliant white. When we come to Revelation 4:4 we find twenty four elders around the throne of God clothed in white – the attire of those God accepts in His presence.
For they are worthy The word means God has weighed the lives of these few in His balances and they meet the standard. Their sins are forgiven by the shed blood of His Son. They are worthy to be in God’s presence.
What can we learn? When we come to the end times we find prophesized the great “falling away”. Denominations and churches that once taught God’s word and the Gospel message turn away from the faith. They deny the truth of God’s word, condone sin and practice immorality condemned by God. Yet in those denominations that deny truth and teach error, there still exist a few true believers seen by God. Remember the angels ask the Lord in the parable of the wheat and
tares if they should gather up the tares and burn them? The Lord says to wait until the end of the age – then they can be accurately separated. He refused to destroy any good wheat. This is great encouragement to the few in Sardis who have put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord sees them and they will be rewarded for their faithfulness. Stay true no matter what surrounds you!