5-21-24: A Father’s Love

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Derek Redmond had a storied career as a British world class sprinter. His accomplishments included breaking the British 400m sprint record twice. He was a member of England’s sprint team which won gold and silver medals at the European championships. In 1991 he was a member of the British team that ran the fastest 4×400 sprint relay ever. In 1992 Redmond went to Barcelona for the Olympics to run in individual races. Highly touted as the favorite in the 400m Redmond was running well. He ran the fastest time in the first round and easily won his quarterfinal heat. As he settled into the blocks for the start of his semifinal race. Redmond jumped off to a clean start and was running smoothly. 42 strides and 150m down the track his right hamstring muscle tore and he fell to the ground. His dream of capturing a gold medal ended in a moment. To the onlookers he appeared as a man kneeling as if in prayer. Derek Redmond got up and began to hobble toward the finish line. Her saw the stretcher-bearers rushing towards him but he knew he had to finish the course. As he hobbled toward the finish line he rounded the curve and suddenly he was joined by his father Jim who had left the stands to come to his son. When he reached his son he told him he had nothing to prove and he didn’t need to finish the race. Derek Redmond
told his dad he was going to finish the race. His father responded, “Then we will do it together”.
And they did. Jim Redmond put his arm around his son’s waist and waved off the officials who tried to get them off the track. Limping and hopping together with his sobbing son to a standing ovation of 65,000 cloud of spectators who now realized what was happening. Father and son crossed the finish line of a race now long ago decided.
Someone later asked Redmond ‘how did you become successful?” His answer?” “Get up just one more time than you’ve been knocked down.”
What can we learn? What a tremendous picture we see of the love of God for His children. On the track is a broken down runner. No matter how hard he tries, he can not run the race in his own strength. He is broken and defeated. He has no hope of making it to the finish line. Suddenly a loving father intervenes. He watched his son proudly from the stands but then tragedy struck. It did not matter the obstacles he had to overcome, he would be with his son who needed him. No barrier was so high that he would not supply all the help he could. He leaps out of the stands and rushes past security guards determined to keep him away from his son. When the father reaches the son, the son humbles himself to accept the father’s aid. For the first time
the son realizes he can not reach the finish line by himself, thus he surrenders to what only the father can do for him.
In this situation we can’t help but see a pale image of what God has done for us in this story. We are the broken down runner. We are left on our own with no chance and no hope of making the finish line by ourselves. There are many other runners but they leave us behind without a thought. Every man for himself. Some get up. Some try to hobble on but they cannot do it. Suddenly love intervenes. What we thought was impossible happens. One person cares about us and is willing to overcome all obstacles to meet our need. When that person reaches out to us with a message of redemption, we have to listen and have to humble ourselves and accept the gift they offered.
God does this for mankind. He does it at salvation but he also does it for believers who are running the race of life.
Love compels God to reach out to every man, woman, boy and girl to offer aid and the help, that only He can provide. Since it is gift it must always be accepted by humility that cries out I cannot do this on my own. You alone are my only option and I thankfully accept the free gift you offer. Imagine Derek Redmond’s father if his son had slapped his hand away and told him he did not need his help – he could do it himself. Now imagine God who is told thatsame thing day after day by millions who reject his love and the only One who can help them.