5-23-24: The Rapture

Who has heard  such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation  be brought forth at once?” Isaiah 66:8

The rapture can occur at any moment, the Tribulation cannot. God has provided specific signs that must occur before the final 7 year period begins. One specific sign that precedes the Tribulation has occurred in the last hundred years is the rebirth of Israel as a nation. Shortly after the death and resurrection of Christ the nation of Israel was scattered. For over 1900 years the nation of Israel no longer
existed. Then on May 14, 1948 God did the miracle Isaiah told us would happen. On one day a nation was created. The United Nations assigned Israel a section of land (not in Africa but right where God decreed) for their home land. That event provides the foundation on which all the other Tribulation prophecies will build.
In Matthew 24 The Lord told His disciples something important about the rebirth of Israel. He said when the fig tree (a symbol of Israel) puts out leaves that “this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”. The Lord said when the branch of the fig tree is tender and puts forth (sprouts) leaves not more than one generation shall pass until all these things come to pass. Interesting the word generation is used first in Matthew to refer to Abraham’s generation (the multitude of men living at that time).
There is much debate among scholars around how long a generation is. Psalm 90:10 says “The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years”. This tells us the average lifespan of man is between 70-80 years. Genesis 6:3 indicates the maximum life span of man is 120 years which is what science
confirms is true for the age we live in (an average of 70—80 years with a maximum of 120). If 70-80 years is the norm and a generation began when Israel became a nation, the generation born that year would die off between 2128 and 2068 – a narrow window of 40 years. If a generation is 120 years add 40 years to that number.
It is possible when the Lord referred to the fig tree putting out leaves he was referring to Israel becoming prosperous as a nation (Remember He looked for fruit on the fig tree.) If he was referring to agricultural prosperity (sprouting) Israel has had a tremendous upsurge as a major agricultural center. Since their independence in 1948, the total land under cultivation has increased from 408,000 to 1,070,000 acres while the number of agricultural communities has increased from 400 to 725. Agricultural production has expanded 16 times, three times more than population growth. If this is the “trigger” the Lord uses to define the start of the last generation the time frame would be pushed back by 20-25 years.
What we do know is this. Psalm 102:16 tells us “The Lord shall build up Zion; He shall appear in His glory” and then in verse 18 we read, “This will be written for the generation to come”. The word “come” indicates the last or the terminal generation. Today Jerusalem is being built up so we can be confident we are in or very close to the terminal generation which will see “all these things come to pass”. Look up, the time is getting closer!
There are many other indicators that tell us the Tribulation signs are being fulfilled. Today Israel is listed as one of the top 20 economies in the world. It now has reserves of oil (11.5 million barrels) and reserves of natural gas (10.1 trillion cubic feet). Both figures are significantly
higher than they were a few years ago which is a trend leading to increased wealth – thought to be the reason Russia will invade
Israel in the War of Gog and MaGog (which may even occur before the Tribulation).
What can we learn? The Lord lectured the Pharisees on their inability to see God fulfilling His word. We definitely do not want to be accused of the same oversight. Keep your eyes on Israel. Watch for its increased wealth and the move to rebuild the Temple. We are in the home stretch. God is merciful and will wait for just one person who will accept His Son as Savior. Time, however, is running out. Before the Tribulation begins, but possibly not very long before, an event will occur, the Lord coming for His bride, that has no signs. If you are a true believer in Christ, stay ready, Be watchful! If the Lord can create a nation in one day He can take His bride out of the earth in one second.