6-12-24: Till You Know

This is the interpretation, O king: It is a decree of the Most High, which has come upon my lord the king, that you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. You shall be made to eat grass like an ox, and you shall be wet with the dew of heaven, and seven periods of time shall pass over you, till you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will. And as it was commanded to leave the stump of the roots of the tree, your kingdom shall be confirmed for you from the time that you know that Heaven rules.” Daniel 4:24-26

After stating the dream and telling the king that it is a personal message to him, Daniel now shares the meaning God intended.
It is a decree of the Most High As we read Daniel’s reply to the king we gain insights into how to witness. Note Daniel does not make this personal. He does not lecture the king about how bad he has been or how much he deserves this punishment. Instead Daniel presents what God says. Too often believers get caught up in arguments over hell and punishment. That is not our argument. We are only to present the truth of what God’s Word says.
Which has come upon my lord the king Note Daniel’s respect
for the king’s position. Daniel’s humility shows in the words he uses.
That you shall be driven from among men We see the horror of
the pending punishment. Nebuchadnezzar will no longer live with men. He will be driven away (expelled or chased way) from all mankind. This is what hell is like – solitary.
Your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. The king will live like an animal with the beasts of the field in the open pastures. All luxuries will be stripped away.
You shall be made to eat grass like an ox The king’s eating habits will become vegetarian. The fine foods he served in Daniel 1 will no longer appeal to him. The grass of the pastures will fill his
stomach each and every day.
You shall be wet with the dew of heaven The king will be drenched with the waters from the skies. He will not live in a barn or in a fine palace. He will dwell underneath God’s nature day and night. What falls from heaven will be on him – heat, wet, darkness.
Seven periods of time shall pass over you This judgment will last for seven times or moments. This is the same concept of the times, time and half a time denoting the Tribulation period. The king’s
judgment will last seven years. It will seem like it will never end.
Till you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men Daniel now tells God’s purpose for this judgment. When the king acknowledges God, not himself, as the supreme ruler, the judgment
will end. The king will humble himself before God – something that will never happen in hell. One might accuse God of being harsh – he is punishing Nebuchadnezzar until he does what God wants. That is wrong for two reasons. First, God never makes a man repent but He will humble a person until they reach a point of decision. Second, God knows hell is so horrendous he will let people suffer her to bring them to repentance in order to escape a hell that lasts for eternity. Gives it to whom he will Daniel reminds the king God want him to know his prosperity and success come from God, not from his own intellect or cunning. The issue is the king’s pride. (It’s ours too!)
As it was commanded to leave the stump of the roots of the tree Daniel reflects on the end of the dream. God left the stump and
roots of the tree. This punishment is harsh but thereis still hope. While we have life on this earth we have the opportunity to turn to
Your kingdom shall be confirmed for you Daniel specifies the end – the kingdom can be restored to the king.
From the time that you know that Heaven rules When will it be restored? When the king humbles his proud heart and
confesses there is one true God in heaven who is worthy to be worshipped.
What can we learn? God’s message of pending judgement has been delivered with as much kindness and respect as possible. How will Nebuchadnezzar react? Will it view it as an unbelievable fable as many consider the threat of hell today? Will he listen to God’s direct message to his heart?