6-23-24: God’s Response

So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:5-8

Then the Lord said to Cain Cain offered his sacrifice to God. He recognized God exists and He recognizes God is to be worshipped. What he rejected was God’s right to tell him what his sacrifice must be. This is the same rejection people have of God today – “we will not have Him to rule over us.” So God shows two of His most important attributes to Cain – justice and mercy. He shows justice because he will not bend the truth to placate the desires of His creation. His truth is settled in heaven and stands unalterable. To condone a life means God is not holy and is not to be believed or trusted. Yet despite Hie rejection of Cain’s offering, He shows His mercy to him. He does so by asking Cain three questions designed to make him think of what he is doing and to turn in obedience to God. Then He tells Cain the
two alternatives he has and the consequences of each. God always acts in mercy to draw people to Him.
Why are you angry?  In this simple question we see the root of hatred the world has toward God. They provide God with what they, in their wisdom, have decided should please God. When that “offering” is rejected for not conforming with God’s truth, they become angry. The word anger means to “burn, be displeased, wax hot, or become incensed”. Cain is not humbled or troubled by God’s rejection but instead rises up against God in anger. “Who is this God to tell me that my offering is not acceptable?” We see this attitude in the world today
when the blood of Jesus Christ is presented as the only way to become right with God. Cain’s responds that God has no right to be that narrow – to reject what cost him a lot of time, effort and money.
Why is your face downcast? Cain’s anger shows in his face God asks his second question. His face does not show the look of humility or questioning – “what would you have me to do Lord?” Rather it is the look of disgust, depression, discouragement, resignation. His face says “If God will not accept what I offer there is no way to have a relationship with him – the door is barred!” Amazingly this is exactly opposite of what God is doing. Cain shuts the door to God in anger because he feels God is not righteous to accept his offering.
Thus we see Cain shuts God out, not the reverse.
If you do what is right God continues. Cain did not do right. He tries to offer a covering for his sin of his own making but his offering adds to his sin. God tells him the truth – he did wrong. Then God offers him
the opportunity to do right – to repent, to offer a sacrifice that pleases God.
Will you not be accepted? God asks question three. Cain wants to be accepted by God – there is a way, the right way, the only way, which leads to acceptance by God. Acceptance can be translated “dignity, high position, lifted up or majesty”. It is the freedom to stand before God without fear. God’s arms are open to all through the one way sin can be forgiven.
But if you do not do what is right God gives the consequences of continuing in the way Cain is going. He never sugarcoats the truth.
God gives man a choice and man can choose to obey or disobey Him. In this case Cain’s desire is tone proud of hat he has done and to disregard what God is telling hi. Gee knows better!.
Sin is crouching at your door What a picture God paints. Cain is at the point of decision. Crouch means to lie quietly waiting for its prey. Sin wants to ensnare him and make him a slave. If Cain rejects God, he will not serve God, he will be a slav to his sin and rebellion.
It desires to have you God warns Cain he is in a battle that has eternal consequences. Satan and sin desire to ensnare him.
But you must rule over it Cain is in a battle which he must fight. The battle has eternal consequences. Cain can rule over his sin by humbling himself and obeying God. The invitation to repent and have fellowship withGod and enjoy the freedom God provides is offered freely to this angry man and every man). What will he do? Both paths lie before him and both require he take a step in the direction he desires to follow. Humble himself and obey God or reject God’s authority and love and place himself on the throne of his life? He must choose.