6-7-24: Oh No!

I saw in the visions of my head as I lay in bed, and behold, a watcher, a holy one, came down from heaven. He proclaimed aloud and said thus: “Chop down the tree and lop off its branches, strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the beasts flee from under it and the birds from its branches.”                                        Daniel 4:13-14

Suddenly Nebuchadnezzar’s vision takes a terrifying turn. What
he sees causes the king to tremble.
I saw in the visions There is a significant change in the king’s dream.
He continues to watch the tree in all its glory
Of my head as I lay in bed Nothing has changed in the king’s
situation. He is still in bed asleep as God reveals in his mind a message straight from God to the king.
Behold, a watcher, a holy one Suddenly a form comes into the vision. This section is written in Aramaic so the term used is watcher (a wakeful one). It implies a guard or sentry who is “on his watch.” Nebuchadnezzar makes note that he is a “holy one”. This is the same term used of God in Daniel 4:8. Therefore we understand this to be an angel of God.
Came down from heaven Nebuchadnezzar also makes note this is not a being from earth. This being descends from the heaven. (Perhaps Nebuchadnezzar had his eyes on the top of the tree reaching up to the heavens when he sees that an angel from much higher up than the tree comes down to earth.
He proclaimed aloud and said thus The angel proclaims the message of God. This reminds us of the angels God sends to the skies around earth during the Tribulation. They too proclaim God’s judgment on those who chose to be unrepentant.
Chop down the tree The angel’s message is stark. There is no elaboration or discussion. The king held what he thought was unlimited authority; he would understand, and possibly fear, one who would announce such catastrophic judgement in the same manner. The angel issues a command to cut down the mighty tree. The king might wonder why such a magnificent tree so beneficial to many would be chopped down but that is the decree from heaven.
Lop off its branches The trees branches bearing the leaves and the fruit and which provided shade and places to nest are to be cut off of the tree. Soon only a tall trunk of a tree stands naked in the sky or all to see.
Strip off its leaves The leaves of the tree are to be shaken or stripped off the tree. Normally these would fall with the branches but this destruction is to be so complete that the leaves are to be taken off the branches one by one. The tree is stripped bare.
Scatter its fruit The tree’s fruit is to be thrown to the four winds meaning it would be bruised broken and become inedible. There is absolutely nothing of value left of this one tree. What was once magnificent is now a sad shadow of itself. (Does Nebuchadnezzar fear this is him?)
Let the beasts flee from under it and the birds from its branches Finally the watcher dismisses all those who have received any benefit
and comfort from the tree. The beasts leave the tree in search of shade and the birds fly away looking for other places to build their nests.
What can we learn? When Nebuchadnezzar has this dream he is at peace and flourishing. All his enemies have been defeated. When he
sees this vision from God he is greatly troubled – perhaps because he senses he and Babylon are this great tree. He might remember Daniel’s words, “For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory; and wherever the children of men dwell, or the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven, He has given them into your hand, and has made you ruler over them all”. He knows an inferior kingdom will take rule from him, but is this what this vision means? In the first dream he had, God favored him – he was the head of gold. But in this dream there is only one tree and as mighty and prosperous as it was, it is now decimated. The King is beginning to see the awesome judgment of a holy God. He is beginning to realize the greatness of God and his own inferiority. God is working to convict him of his sin.
But the question for Nebuchadnezzar is he same for us – will he listen to God’s message?