6-8-24: The Stump-Man-Beast

But leave the stump of its roots in the  earth, bound with a band of iron and  bronze, amid the tender grass of the field. Let him be wet with the dew of heaven. Let his  portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth. Let his mind be changed from a man’s, and let a beast’s mind be given to him; and let seven periods of time pass over him.”                            Daniel 4:15-16

If the vision has not terrified King Nebuchadnezzar by this point, the final scene will do the job. Suddenly the vision takes an unexpected turn. The tree turns into a man who seems to turn into a beast. Nebuchadnezzar becomes more confused and more troubled.
What does this mean? What is God saying?
But leave the stump of its roots in the earth The watcher now issues another command. After the tree is chopped down the stump is to be left in the ground with its roots intact. Its roots remain undisturbed in the earth.
Bound with a band of iron and bronze The watcher then decrees the stump is to be bound (the word can also mean imprisoned).Bronze signifies judgment – the stunt is bound in judgment. But if the tree has been cut down why is the stump to be constrained further?
Amid the tender grass of the field. The stump is to be left in the
elements in an open field. It appears there is nothing that can be seen in any direction –the stump is alone in an open field.
Let him be wet with the dew of heaven Suddenly the stump now becomes a “he”. It stands in the field with no protection from the elements. The dew of heaven drenches it. This indicates the stump will be unprotected all night from the elements of nature. Nebuchadnezzar probably can’t understand why this makes him anxious – it’s just a tree stump, correct? But why is the stump now called “he”?
Let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth King Nebuchadnezzar hears something that likely makes him sweat. Did he
hear the watcher correctly? What does this mean? The watcher announces the stump will reside with the beasts. Portion means possession or share. This seems to indicate what the stump will possess from that point on. But Nebuchadnezzar notices something important. If the tree has become a man and his portion is with the beasts of the field that means they are his companions. The word beasts is used in Daniel 2 when Daniel told the king his reign would be over all nature including the beasts and cattle of the fields. The stump is among animals.
Let his mind be changed from a man’s The watchers message becomes more terrifying. The tree stump that has morphed into man and is the companion of beasts now has his mind (his heart, the core of his being) changed (altered, made different or damaged), How? This is no longer a man’s mind.
Let a beast’s mind be given to him The man now thinks like a beast. The heart (mind) of this man will become that of an animal. The word
given means granted or delivered. This feels like this is punitive action. But why? What does it mean?
Let seven periods of time pass over him Finally the watcher says seven durations of time will pass over the tree-human-beast in the open field. Note the watcher does not specify what will happen after the seven measures of time. This has not been decreed for it depends on the reaction of the tree-man-beast’s heart.
What can we learn? Job in the midst of his suffering said, “He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. He whispers in their ears and terrifies them with warnings. He makes them turn from doing wrong; he keeps them from pride.” (Job 33: 15-18) We see God’s great love to reach out to an evil king who is on his way to an everlasting hell and to warn him before it is too late.
God clearly is not willing that one person should perish and if it means sending a dream to a king while he is asleep that terrifies him into thinking about eternity and where he will spend it, God is willing to do that. But God will only warn, He will not force any person to believe in Him. Jude tells us many are won by telling them of the love of God but some require facing the threat of eternal judgment before they will turn to God. The king has not listened to Daniel so God sends a vision of terror. Now will he listen?