7-10-24: The King’s Decree

And the herald proclaimed aloud, ‘You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages, that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.‘ ”        Daniel 3:4-5

Over and over in scripture we are told God is love. He reaches out in love to save us, He paid our sin debt in love, His commandments are
based in love for Him and love for our neighbor. Love is God’s character. False religion is the opposite of that. It is based on threat and hatred of anyone or anything that does not comply with its demands. John McArthur says, “False religion is being religious outwardly, to impress people, but not inwardly, before God’” On the plain of Dura we are about to see the demand of outward religious ritual with no regard for the inner man, his heart or God.
And the herald The herald signifies an official proclamation from
the king. Most people in attendance expect it to be a statement of
dedication for another statue or image in Babylon.
Proclaimed aloud The word means read or shouted. In a loud
voice so all could hear, the herald reads the decree of the king.
You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages Suddenly the tone changes. This is not an ordinary dedication of a government statue. This is an edict from Nebuchadnezzar.
That when you hear the sound The response is to be instantaneous. There is to be no thinking, no deliberating, no choice. There is to be immediate obedience, compliance to the king’s decree.
Of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music Music will be played. There is to be much fanfare. The music is to make the coercion pleasant.
You The king’s command applies to each individual. Everyone present must comply. All will be attached.
Are to fall down Each person is to fall on his face. They are to lie prostrate on the ground in an act of submission and reverence.
Worship the golden image The gauntlet is thrown down. The golden image is to be worshipped as God. This is the word used of King
Nebuchadnezzar when he falls down and worships Daniel for giving him the interpretation of his dream. For the Babylonians in attendance this is no problem. They will just add another God to their gallery of deities and move on with their lives. For the Jews in captivity this is a game changer. They worship one God, period. Anything or anyone added to that list is an idol. Up to this point the Jews have been in captivity in Babylon but they have been allowed to worship without hinderance. This command places them at odds with the Babylonian government. They must now decide if they will obey God or man.
That King Nebuchadnezzar has set up The herald makes it clear who is behind the command. The king, their ruler, the government
demands, requires it. To not obey is treason.
What can we learn? The world system will demand it and its rules be worshipped and observed rather than obeying the living and true God. This is being done in our country. There are attempts to force pastors to officiate at gay weddings. Christian colleges are ordered to to accept homosexual behavior or lose government aid. Ministries are told to hire non-adherents to their faith. Christian companies are mandated to fund abortion via insurance coverage. Like Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael we must be prepared to stand for God. One might fear they will be sued. The three young Jewish men will soon learn they face even worse consequences than being sued or losing their jobs. They face death. We must purpose in our hearts now that we will stand for God and trust Him no matter the consequences. When the demand comes, and it will, there may be little time to consider who we love and worship. Determine that now.