7-12-24: The Time Comes To Decide

So at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre, in symphony with all kinds of music, all the people, nations, and languages fell down and worshiped the gold image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.” Daniel 3:7

With little warning or time to prepare, the invited guests of the king on the plain of Dura are commanded to obey the king’s order to fall and worship the image. Some tests a believer can prepare for, some are sneak attacks. That is one reason why we must stay prepared and be ready to discern the spiritual implications of what we are asked or forced to do. How many Jews fell to their knees that day and never thought of the implications of their “worship”? We are not told that number but we are told how many stood faithfully for God. This shows us what pleases God. So at that time  Daniel gives the precise timing of the test. The herald announces the decree of the king, he announces what people were to do when they heard the music. Daniel makes the point clearly there was no interval of time between the two acts – no time to think or discuss what to do with others – just act. When all the people heard The music is loud, purposefully so. There will be no excuse for failure to obey. The word here is used 4 times in this chapter alone. It is linked to the Hebrew verb meaning to hear and obey. We see God’s warning. If we are not attentive to Him and His word and all we do is listen to the sounds of the world we will obey what we listen to. ”Let him that has ears to hear, hear.” The sound of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre, in symphony with all kinds of music The word sound can also be translated voiceThe music presents a voice which commands obedience. This phrase is also repeated four times in Daniel 3. You can be sure the sounds are excellent and well presented to move men’s hearts to obey. Believers use music to sing praises to God but music is also used to move people’s hearts toward evil. All the people, nations, and languages  The herald makes it clear that all the known world that is present are required to conform to the command. We see Satan’s hand as he desires to make all men worship anyone or anything other than God. It is interesting that the first world kingdom, Babylon, and the last one, Rome, demand the worship of all people toward the ruler and the state. As Daniel points out, there are no exceptions allowed and there will be none allowed in the coming Tribulation period under the Antichrist either. Fell down and worshiped  Then Daniel records the decisions on the plain of Dura. Whether it is because there is no knowledge of the one true God or with full knowledge of Jehovah, everyone on the plain of Dura is on their faces in front of the golden image. We see the forerunner of the image the Antichrist which will set up in the temple during the Tribulation when all the world is commanded to worship him. Whether it is out of fear of punishment, the hope for some future reward, or true worship, the entire known world complies with the king’s command. The gold image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up Daniel again emphasizes the object the king requires to be worshipped. Whether the image represents the king or the Babylonian state matters not. Both divert the worship of the one true God to themselves. Daniel, in a few short words, reminds us the image is a gold plated wooden structure. It looks magnificent but it is not what it appears to be. This is Satan’s deception. The outward beauty of a false religion never produces what it promises. Second Daniel reminds us this is a man-made object. It is man worshipping the creation of a man. The spiritually dead worshipping their dead idols. What can we learn?  The non-Jews who stood before the image had no problem falling down to worship. This image would be added to a list of idols they were required to worship they did not believe in. The Jewish leaders who stood in the plain were faced with a dilemma. God had issued a command – “You shall have no other gods  before me”. Are there any who will risk death to obey God?  Not many, only a few. Will there be any more than that today?