7-13-24: Tattle Tales

Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and maliciously accused the Jews.” Daniel 3:8

Daniel 3 documents a change for the lives of all Jewish believers in Babylon. Up to this point they have faced indoctrination (education) of the Babylonian beliefs. Now they face persecution if they do not conform to the world system they live in. Three Jewish boys stood on the plain of Dura and are commanded to disobey God.
The plain of Dura is filled with bowing servants of the king of Babylon.
They do what is necessary to avoid pain. Whether they are afraid to lose their positions (what they love more than God) or are afraid of death, they bow. The king expected this to be a grand and glorious celebration. He would show all that the leaders of his kingdom were in solidarity behind him. A huge crowd is likely assembled. This would please the king for after the rulers demonstrated their loyalty every citizen of Babylon would be required to do the same. Suddenly however, the king’s grand plan comes to a screeching halt.
Therefore The word refers back to the plain of Dura – the multitudes of bowing servants to the king – an almost unanimous result. Yet not everyone complies. Some who bow pretend outrage over the lack of compliance by others while being ecstatic that this has happened. They are glad to have the three young men removed from power.
At that time They immediately rush to tell the king what has happened. There are always those who hate the God of Israel and everyone who worships Him. They watch for any misstep, any inconsistency or better yet any disobedience to the king’s commands. “At that time” tells us they found what they were hoping for. Thus they “do their civic duty” and report this “crime” to the king himself. There is another side of this phrase, however. God Himself knows what we face and His attention is on His servants at the exact time of their testing.
Certain Chaldeans We see it was some, not all, of the Chaldeans who feign anger. A few reprobate haters are all it takes to lodge attacks against believers. Remember when Daniel was promoted he was placed as the chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon. He then placed his three friends as chief administrators in the province of Babylon. Those who were in line for those positions likely held major grudges against these “usurpers” and looked for a chance to remove the competition. Also note it is not just one person but several who lodge the complaint. One person might be seen to carry a grudge but if several people carry the report forward the the complaint becomes legitimate. God does not reveal to us who these accusers were. Likely they tried to keep their identities secret. Who they are will be revealed at the Great White Shrine Judgment when all things done in secret will be revealed..
Came forward The word means to approach. Interestingly it is used in Ezra to refer to those who come to offer “acceptable sacrifices” to God. These men come with reverence of offering a sacrifice of worship. They likely pretend that they would rather not do this, it pains them to tell on their superiors but they have no choice for they truly worship the king. (The three Jewish boys did too but theirs was a heavenly King.)
Maliciously accused the Jews The charges they report are malicious. They wish to destroy their adversaries. God tells us wickedness is behind this kind of behavior. “You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.” God calls their behavior wicked and condemns it as sin. Paul tells Timothy that “malicious gossip” will be one of the signs of evil men in the end times. The Lord told us in the Sermon on the Mount that those who follow Him will be maliciously accused. They will “say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven”. Scripture shows us the source of malicious slandering. It started in the Garden of Eden when Satan maliciously attacked God’s character and motives. He told Eve that God does not love her or want the best for her. He is holding out on her. There is no doubt that the malicious accusations to King Nebuchadnezzar attacked the character and the motives of these “foreigner captives” as well.
We can expect this to happen to us, if we serve the Lord with our whole heart. God does not remove us from these false accusations but He does go through it with us,“ That is why we can “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!” The testing of our faith will be rewarded if we stand firm for God.