7-21-24: Cancel Them!

Then these men were bound in their cloaks, their tunics, their hats, and their other garments, and they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace. Because the king’s order was urgent and the furnace overheated, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound into the burning fiery furnace.
Daniel 3:21-23

Did you notice that thousands of people obeyed the king’s order that day? Yet three who trusted the true God did not and they must be
cancelled. What God never forces on anyone, worship, Satan demands. 100% unanimity is required. In the US we have never faced the wrath of a godless dictator who demands complete submission but here we learn how those who are faithful to God are treated by one like that – permanent cancellation, removal from existence of God and all His followers.
Then these men God’s eyes are on his servants. He watches their every movement carefully.
Were bound in their cloaks, their tunics, their hats, and their other garments The soldiers obey their orders. The word bound is to tie into knots. They are securely bound, fully clothed (easier to burn).
And they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace The soldiers take the bound Hebrew captives and drag them across the plain of Dura to the place the king decreed these men must die. Remember that in the last test that these three men faced they were delivered out of the test. God allowed an exception to be granted and they escaped punishment for not eating the king’s food. This test is different. As they move toward the furnace they begin to realize they are not going to be delivered out of this test, they are going into the fire. God is growing their faith as He shows them in a very different way that He is able to deliver them.
Because the king’s order was urgent The king is livid in his anger. His orders are urgent (this also means harsh). He demands action and he wants it now – there is to be no questioning, just obedience.
And the furnace overheated The furnace is overheated quickly. The Aramaic words indicate it was extraordinarily heated probably to the point where the bricks in the kiln begin to crack from excessive heat.
The flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego The mighty soldiers of the Babylonian army reach the furnace and face something they had not anticipated. The heat is so intense that gases and flames leap out of the furnace door. It is extremely difficult to even approach the furnace. The king’s mission is to be carried out, however, and so the soldiers move to the mouth of the furnace and throw the three men into the flames. As they do the flames leap out and engulf the soldiers. The mightiest and best of the Babylonian army can not stand up to the flames. They obeyed the king and lost their lives. (See the point? John 12:25) Be careful who you love and obey.
And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego God shows us that the One who sees the sparrow has His eye on His servants as well. He sees them before the king, he sees the soldiers take them to the furnace and he sees them thrown into the fire. He is omniscient but, praise the Lord, He is also omnipotent and omnipresence. All three characteristics are in full evidence on this day as He teaches these men the same lesson of faith he taught Abraham on Mount Moriah centuries ago and that He wants to teach us today.
Fell bound into the burning fiery furnace The king’s order to cancel the rebellion is carried out. At this point it looks as if the king has won – the servants of God are defeated. They will serve their God no more. (Or will they?)
What can we learn? God does not always deliver His children from trials, it is often his will to deliver them through them. Often He chooses to wait until the last second to act. We do not know the thoughts of the three as they feel the heat and are thrown into the furnace. The world wants to cancel their stand for God. That’s the wrong kind of silencing. The right kind of silence is standing still and waiting for God to act during the trial. When we do that, we will never be disappointed for God is ALWAYS faithful.