7-27-24: Lessons From Daniel 3 – The Number 4

And in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, an offering of praise
to the Lord.
” Leviticus 19:34

As we read God’s word we see truths He builds into a passage that might normally escape us. In Daniel Chapter 3 God makes an important point in His repeated use of the number four. In fact we may not even notice it if we are not careful because the word “four” is not used. Instead we count a word or phrase being used four times in the chapter. For example we read the words “heard”, “sound”, “fell down”, “worship”, and the phrase “that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up” as well as “the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music” are each repeated four times. Most commentators provide no explanation for this repetition but there is nothing in
God’s word that is unimportant.
What is God telling us by repeating these words and phrases four time in Daniel 3? There are three reasons for the number four which are critical to the test that the three Jewish young men faced.
First, scripture uses the number four to represent completeness. We see this in the four rivers in the garden of Eden and the corners of the earth. Four represents a unit complete in itself, needing nothing more. God requires complete faithfulness of the young men (and us).
Second, the number four is associated with how we worship worship God. The name of God (YHWH) is four letters. Both the Tabernacle and Solomon’s temple include numerous “fours” in their design. The fourth year in a new land is a time of worship and sacrifice for Israel. Israel was commanded to offer the first fruits of the trees in the land to The LORD in the fourth year. This is to be a reminder to them (and us) of God’s faithfulness and provision. It leads to worship of God. Then we see in Revelation four living creatures around God’s throne who proclaim His holiness and worship Him continually. God shows us that these men’s actions are a pleasing form of worship to Him.
Third, multiples of four in scripture define times of testing or judgment after testing. For example the Israelites remained in Egypt for 400 years (Gen 15:13) and then they wandered in the desert for 40 years after their rebellion to God in the wilderness. We see this again in the four world empires that arise. Satan’s plan is seen in the four great beasts that arise out of the earth with the intent of setting up a world kingdom to rule in the place of the rightful King of kings and Lord of Lords. Testing is a time to express who we worship.
What can we learn? With the repeated uses of fours around acts of worship in this passage we see God put His stamp of approval on the
actions of the young Jewish boys in the test they are facing. God shows us that their discernment of the situation is correct. This is a call by Satan’s world system to fully and completely worship it instead of God – idolatry. The idol is complete in and of itself, there is no need for God.
All must choose who it is they worship. To most people who stood on the plain of Dura that day this is not big deal – falling down in front of an image means nothing to them. To Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael their faith is tested. They were must deny the true God or worship Him
completely with all their heart, soul, mind and might. (See the four?) Completeness means complete worship – not compromise. See why denying God was such an awful sin to Peter? Why is this important? The world will do all it can to deceive believers into compromise. They want us to rationalize our faith but water it down to be acceptable to them. They want us to believe compromise is an innocent harmless act, that it does not mean we are denying God by accepting another as His equal. (These are all Satan’s lies.) God sends a test of love and devotion to Him. The young men know any worship of anyone or anything other than God is idolatry and is an abomination to the Lord.
One more thought The fifth time we see the word worship used in Daniel 3 is when the Jewish boys are accused of not obeying the king’s command to worship the golden idol. In other words after repeated threats to force them to bow down they stood fast and worshipped God only. They show us the example of Christ who in his last temptation by Satan to worship him said, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.” There will be no compromise of worship to God in these men’s lives! When that happened God showed His power through them to an evil king. “You shall love the old with ALL your heart.” How are you doing?