7-31-24: Careless

He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, but he who is careless of his ways will die.” Proverbs 19:16

Almost a millennium before Christ, Solomon wrote and compiled the book of Proverbs. God gave Solomon great wisdom and one of the ways God led him to use that wisdom was to gather wise sayings
that could guide our lives in erring God. In Proverbs 19:16 we find an admonition that is still true thousands of years after Solomon wrote it down. In fact we see one application of this proverb in the recent assassination attempt against President Trump.
He This proverb speaks to us individually. No person is exempt.
Who keeps the commandment The word keep is first used in Genesis 2 where Adam is given the responsibility to keep the Garden of Eden. He is to guard it, preserve and protect it and maintain it. It was a great gift from God and Adam had the responsibility to pay close attention to it and its well-being. Commandment refers to both precepts, laws and ordinance of both man and God.
Toward God we are to keep and obey His commandments to us; to man, we are pay attention to the responsibilities and guidelines of our government and our work. Without explanation, Solomon states the consequences for those who diligently keep their responsibilities.
Keeps his soul Solomon uses he exact same word. When one is careful to obey the commandments of God, government and employer he accomplishes something else. He in turn protects, preserves and guards his own soul – his life and his well-being. When we guard those things of value – spiritual, civic, family, personal – we have peace. We have done what is expected before God, our country and family members. This is the principle Paul tells us of in Philippians 4:6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
But he who is careless Solomon now tells us of the consequences of not following this principle. Solomon writes of the careless (the word can mean to despise or have contempt for). Careless is the word used of Esau when he sold his birthright. He knew it was valuable but it meant little to him in the moment and he did not guard it. He sold it to make his life easier and more pleasant in this earth at this moment. The Lord was also despised (same word) and rejected by men. the Son of God was treated carelessly.
Of his ways Way is the manner of one’s life. This person’s whole life treats the things of God as mundane and relatively insignificant. They do not ponder value in eternity.
Will die Solomon tells the consequences. Carelessness with the things of God and our obligations and responsibilities will create death. Death is separation. It is what God told Adam and Eve would happen if they disregarded His commandment and ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Treating man’s law and the word of God with carelessness will create prison (government) loss of job (employment, divorce (family), and eternal separation from
God in hell.
What Can we Learn? We see in this proverb a universal principle. Just as the carelessness of the Secret service almost cost the President his life so will our carelessness cost us eternal rewards and, if totally neglected, eternal life. Be diligent!