8-25-24: Time To Get Busy

So Gideon took ten men of his servants and did as the Lord had told him. But because he was too afraid of his family and the men of the town to do it by day, he did it by night.
When the men of the town rose early in the morning, behold, the altar of Baal was broken down, and the Asherah beside it was cut down, and the second bull was offered on the altar that had been built. And they said to one another, “Who has done this thing?
” Judges 6:27-29

Gideon does not argue with God or make excuses. In his heart he knows what is going on in the land is forbidden, it is sin and it is an
abomination to God. He knows the task God gave him will not be easy and will meet with resistance from those he lives among. Yet it is right, it is is necessary and the Angel of the Lord promised Him both well-being and that He would be with him. So Gideon begins God’s work.
So Gideon took ten men of his servants Gideon summoned ten
servants (this shows his family was prosperous) to do the work. One
might wonder why ten men and two bulls are needed. Baal altars often were large sites. One such excavated structure is 24 x 30-foot with an oval platform. It stands six feet high and was made of large stones with stairs leading to the top and a large wall surrounding the structure. This would require some manpower to be done accomplished quickly.
Did as the Lord had told him Gideon secured the resources needed
and acted quickly to obey the Lord. This is the kind of obedience that pleases God. But because he was too afraid of his family and the men of the town to do it by day, he did it by night. Gideon was determined to obey God but he was apprehensive as well. He expected to be
criticized and even met with resistance or violence. So he acts under the cover of darkness. Despite his fear, God blessed his work and his assignment was completed just as God said. Then he awaited for the
inevitable for he knew his obedience to God would be a war with the evil forces in the land.
Note also that when we met Gideon he was hiding in a winepress because he feared the Midianites. Now after meeting the Angel of the Lord, he fears his family and those he lives near. Fear is something that we all struggle with, even as we walk with and obey God – just don’t let it keep you from obeying God.
When the men of the town rose early in the morning As soon as the sun rose the people in the village awoke and began the business of the day
Behold, the altar of Baal was broken down, Several things are clear. First, the worship place of Baal was prominent in the city. Second, the entire city used this site which we were told was owned by Gideon’s father (6:28) Thus Gideon’s own father was either the custodian of the site or one of the priests of Baal. In ant case, the damage was discovered quickly showing the idolatry in the town.
And the Asherah beside it was cut down It was clear that grove had been leveled. What the town’s people treasured had been desecrated and they were shocked, then in disbelief and soon very angry.
The second bull was offered on the altar that had been built Did the townspeople recognize this is the altar of Jehovah? It had been built according to His specifications. Yet in their blindness, like people today, they would reject the things of the living and true God and search for the man made idols they loved.
And they said to one another “Who has done this thing?” The unbelievers do what unbelievers do when their treasures are attacked. They look to place blame and to punish the one who would dare defile what they honor.
What can we learn? Despite being afraid Gideon fully obeyed God. Now he is being hunted for his faithfulness. God did not promise that would not happen to him but he did promise he would He with
Gideon through whatever he faced and that He would work all things for good.