8-27-24: Jerubbaal

Therefore on that day Gideon was called Jerubbaal, that is to say,
“Let Baal contend against him,” because he broke down his altar.” Now all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the East came together, and they crossed the Jordan and encamped in the Valley of Jezreel
. Judges 6:32-33

Gideon receives his first assignment from God and he obeys immediately. In doing so Gideon gains first hand experience that God keeps his promises to him. God is with him and God gives him peace (well-being) in working all things for good. It is a pivotal day for Gideon because as he experiences God work in his behalf, his faith grows and he is prepared for the greater challenges that God knows lie ahead.
Therefore In scripture, every time there is a “therefore”, one
should always study to see why it is there for. God draws our
attention to the fact that because Gideon obeyed Him without
question this next event occurs.
On that day The day is the day that Gideon is confronted by the
townspeople and is defended by his father. Gideon was called Jerubbaal We read that Gideon’s name is changed. There are several important facts here. First is his original name Gideon. It means to chop, cut down or off, hew down, or shave off. The word has a strong connection with violence and destruction. Isaiah uses it to describe the destruction God will inflict on Israel’s enemies. This meaning is connected to what the Angel of the Lord saw him becoming, a “mighty man of valor.” Jerubbaal is a compound word the first meaning “to grapple”, “to wrangle” or “to hold a controversy.” The second is the proper noun Baal. Thus we see this name memorializes
Gideon’s standing against Baal. It is one thing to be a fighter, it is another to fight for God against evil.
The second thing we note is we do not know who gave him this name. It does not appear to be from God so it likely comes from either his father or the town’s people. The name does not exalt God but rather it glorifies Gideon. Why is this important? We will watch Gideon grow into both these names over his lifetime. He will become a warrior, a man of violence but we will also see a man who over time exalts himself, not God. As a result, the name given to Gideon to praise him for doing what God called him to do is a warning to him to remember
to glorify God – the One who is with him and brings him peace and victory in all he does.
Last we see that this name change is based on an act of obedience to God, one which God blesses with a great victory. It is also a warning that the greatest spiritual victories in our lives can become snares if we begin to believe victory occurred because of something superior in ourselves rather than because of God who empowered us. When we fail to continually thank God for victories, we are in great danger of becoming proud.
That is to say, “Let Baal contend against him” because he broke down his altar So Gideon becomes a great warrior in Israel. Like
Solomon, God blesses him despite his deep spiritual flaws which, unfortunately, are unaddressed and come to fruition over time.
Now all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the East came together, and they crossed the Jordan and encamped in the Valley of Jezreel. God’s first test of faith for Gideon now leads to his second test. He had battled idolatry internally in Israel, now he battles the oppression of a godless people who want to keep Israel enslaved to them instead of them freely serving God. How did God prepare Gideon? First He gives Gideon His word – His promises. Then He shows Gideon proof of those promises. Gideon knows he is fearful. He knows God gave him the victory. Just as God prepared David to fight Goliath by first fighting the lion and the bear, He now prepares Gideon to contend with the enemies of Israel. Never forget as you go through your tests of faith that God is preparing you to do even greater things for Him in the days ahead. Don’t quit, endure by faith and give God the glory.