8-5-24:The Cavemen Of Israel

And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel. Because of the Midianites, the children of Israel made for themselves the dens, the caves, and the strongholds which are in the mountains.” Judges 6:2

Ever been afraid of what might happen? We read in Judges 6:2 they Israel their entire lives in fear. (Imagine living in heaven where there will total peace and safety – no fear of something bad that might happen!)
And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel God tells us Midian was allowed to rule over Israel. The word prevailed means “to be strong”. The first two times it is used in the Bible are in Judges where foreign nations rule over God’s people. Israel had rejected God’s rightful place as ruler over them and ed to the idols of foreign nation to assume that role. God allowed them their desire.
Because of the Midianites The Midianites were hard taskmasters.
They did not rule with love and mercy as God did but with fear and
violence. Thus Israel learns the people that they desired and married and copied their evil practices really hated and despised them.
The children of Israel made for themselves the dens, the caves,
and the strongholds
Israel had to create places to hide from their oppressors. They had no strength to fight their enemy and they rejected God who would have protected them. We see this fear mentioned in the time of the judge Shamgar. “In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were abandoned, and travelers kept to the byways.” (Judges 5:6) The Israelites stayed off the main roads to avoid being attacked. They travelled the backroads in fear. Remember that fear is caused by sin. When Adam and Eve sinned they feared meeting God and tried to hide from Him (as Israel was now doing with Midianites.) This is why God urges us in His word to abide in Him, the place of safety and peace. When we fear it is an indication that our eyes are not on God and we are not trusting Him as we should.
One final note on Israel’s fear. Their fear humiliated them in front of the entire world. The people of all mighty God were hiding from the very people God had told them He would help them drive out of their land. Their failure to obey turned them into slaves of what they had allowed to remain in their land. Now they lived without God’s power, without God’s peace and with their fear caused by a lack of faith in God. Yet it is this very humiliation that God will use to wake them up and cause them to realize what they have lost.
Which are in the mountains This phrase reminds us of the story of Lot. Lot, the carnal believer who loved the things of this world lived in
Sodom with a grieved heart. He saw things there that he knew were wrong but he kept his mouth shut – it was the cost of doing business. When God delivered Lot and his family from Sodom the angels told him “Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.” Even in this time of pending destruction Lot argues with God’s eill and asks to go to a city (where his heart was). When God poured out His wrath on Sodom Lot lost his wife to a pillar of salt only then did he decide to listen to God and go to the mountains.
Made for themselves We read in Judges 6:2 the people made dens for themselves to hide in. This was not of God. Lot went to the mountains but instead of going to Mount Hebron where Abraham was abiding “he (Lot) and his two daughters dwelt in a cave.” The word dwelled means settled. It is the same word used of Lot dwelling in Sodom. In the time of the Judges the people of God followed the example of Lot and settled in a cave they (not God) made for themselves. “Doing what was right in their own eyes” brought them to this place of rebellion to God. Now when attacked by the world they take the same steps – they must save themselves
What can we learn? We all sin. When we do don’t allow the humiliation of disobeying God to keep you from humbling your
heart and turning back to Him. Living in a self-made cave does not produce fruitfulness or safety. There is one way back.
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.