6-27-24: The Creator

And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.” Revelation 3:14

The church at Laodicea faces intense pressure to compromise with the world around it. This does not surprise the Lord for he placed this church in that time (just as He has placed us to live in this last church age).
The world does everything in its power to lure the church into
watering down God’s truth – just be one of many acceptable
ways to God; let others believe what they wish as truth and you
can enjoy all the world has to offer. So the Lord begins by focusing
His church back on Him as the One who died and rose for them, the
very personification of truth. Before the Lord gives his rather stern message to His church of the sin they are committing, He reminds them of one last truth of who He is.
The beginning of God’s creation Christ uses a phrase that takes us back to the very first chapter of the very first book of the Bible. He goes back to God’s creation and reasserts that He is the true and faithful witness of the creation just as God recorded it. As we are well aware the creation is a battle ground today. Unbelievers mock the truth of God. In this day of no absolute truth they proclaim there is no way that the Genesis account of creation can be faithful and true (they claim their absolute opinion is superior to God’s absolute truth).
This expression, Creator, is very important regarding the rank and position of the Lord. Because it is so important the world hates it and claims that Christ is just another created being, even the brother of Satan. Their heresy asserts that Christ is not God.
Beginning The word beginning means what comes first and therefore is chief (foremost). It specifies Christ’s position is preeminent over all that comes, the ruler of all. He is before the creation and is over all creation.
Creation This word means creation out of nothing (ex nihilo). Christ is the designer and maker of everything that exists.
What can we learn? Today every principle of God described in the first 11 chapters of Genesis is under attack. The two genders are attacked, marriage is attacked, the family is attacked, lawful authority is attacked, and nationalism is attacked. But nowhere does the attack rage more than around creation. Scoffers claim there is no God so they create evolution which requires billions of years of time to allow a chance to turn inorganic into organic and nothing into everything. Despite the illogical stance of these anti-God views (for example where did the matter come from to start the evolutionary process they claim brings life?) the anti- God dogmatic
assertion is that creation cannot have a creator. By the way scientists today have come to an amazing consensus. After decades of asserting that the universe is eternal – without beginning, the accepted view now is that it did have a beginning (called the Big Bang). Thus scientists confirm that the universe began just as God said in Genesis 1:1.
The Lord’s description of Himself to the Laodiceans gives us a key to staying true and faithful to Him in this age when God’s truth is under intense attack. We are to remember that God’s word is true, He does not lie. We are to cling by faith to His word, even is we don’t understand it and even if “scientific evidence” disproves it. The reason is hte Lord does not lie. He was there. He recorded the truth for our benefit. So He warns us and the Laodiceans – do not be deceived by the false wisdom of this world which rejects the source
of truth. “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command.