9-28-24: Lukewarm Laodicea

I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot!” Revelation 3:15

The Lord begins His personal message to the Laodiceans. He uses the same format as with the other churches with one exception.
I know your works The word know means to see. The church’s works are in front of the eyes of the Lord – He misses nothing. But the Lord is not just talking about physically seeing their works, the word also means to grasp spiritual truth from physical data. The Lord sees their hearts, He knows why they do what they do. “Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.” He knows!
Works This refers to all that is going on in the church which is likely filled with activities. The Lord uses the word “ergon” referring to deeds or actions that fulfill an inner desire or purpose. The Lord
knows what they do and He knows why they do it.
The Void The Lord used a common format with all the churches. He first focuses each church on His characteristics that will aid, support or focus them on their true condition. Then the Lord commends them for the service they are doing that has eternal value. After that He addresses those items that must be corrected, things that keep them from serving the Lord fully and faithfully to accomplish the purpose He has for them. Then He gives them His counsel, what they need to do immediately to make their lives on this earth count for Christ. Finally, He gives His covenant –a promise or guarantee to those who faithfully serve Him.
When we come to the Laodiceans there is a void, a huge omission, in His letter to them. The Lord has no praise or commendation for this church. There is nothing to commend. This is stunning. All the other churches have at least a little commendation, even the ones who are struggling with false prophets and teaching. None of the churches are perfect but all produced a little fruit. This church, however, allowed the world to come inside it. They were not just “in the world” the world was in them. They were the kind of “believer” that James describes, “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” The last statement is staggering. This church which has the name of Christ in its name is acting like an enemy of God! Laodicea desires to be friends with the world system and, in doing so, they befriend God’s enemy. We will soon see that the state of the church has gotten so bad that Christ is not inside the church providing guidance and power but on the outside of the church knocking and asking to be admitted into it. (verse 21)
What can we learn? The church at Laodicea lost its distinctiveness. It is more of a country club than a church. Unbelievers and worldly believers predominate the congregation. It is almost impossible to distinguish between them. In the sermon on the mount the Lord said many will say in the judgment day, ‘‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ” Many of the self-deceived come from
Laodicean churches. Imagine being a member of a church, hearing the social gospel preached, giving your time to serve others and do charitable works and then meeting the Lord who says, you never knew me. This is the fate of the Laodiceans. This church does not preach the truth of the Gospel to the world when the Savior is not allowed inside it. This path leads to eternal hell