10-22-24: Shortsighted Christians

For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness,
and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins
II Peter 1:9

Growth is a natural part of life. Babies are born and over time they grow up to be mature. Unless they don’t. In some instances the infant does not grow in size and maturity, the only increase is in the number of years lived. Peter knows this is true of spiritual growth as well. So he tells his readers the cause of failing to grow to become like Christ.
For he who lacks these things Peter acknowledges that there are believers who do not grow. They remain spiritual infants, babes in Christ. He tells us they lack the diligence to strive for the things that create spiritual maturity – the list of characteristics he has just described. The sad part is this lack has nothing to do with talent, it has to do with willingness and what a person desires. Paul told the entire church at Corinth that they were in this state. He tells them “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ”. ( Corinthians 3:2)
Is shortsighted Peter knows that the willingness to grow comes from the heart – growth is possible for every follower of Christ if they desire it. Thus Peter tells those believers who chose to remain spiritual infants something very important. Their decision is shortsighted. The Greek word used is found 50 times in the New Testament. It means “darkened by smoke” and is most often translated “blind”. These believer are blind to the decision they are making for they value what they have now over what is in the future. They are not considering riches in eternity. If we are honest, many of us live this way. We often hear carnal Christians say that they just want a little shack in heaven. They are shortsighted for they do not know what they are giving up. Adam and Eve were this way in Eden. They valued the short term thrill of eating the forbidden fruit more highly than obeying and walking with God. Their loss was enormous, the consequences staggering to all mankind.
Even to blindness Shortsightedness leads to spiritual blindness. Eventually the spiritual infant who refuses to grow loses their ability to see as God sees. They become blind to what God says is true treasure. Their diet is driven by love of the world’s trinkets, like Lot and the prodigal son.
And has forgotten Peter then reminds us of a critical spiritual principle that is found throughout scripture. The spiritual infant who is retarded in their growth is like that because they forgot – they do not remember. This Greek word is only used here and means oblivious. They forgot Something critical that should make a huge difference in how they think. Why does this happen? Usually because one becomes preoccupied with other things. Their attention moves away from what is important, their mind focuses on the things of the minor – like babies focusing on a rattle.
That he was cleansed from his old sins Peter continues. He tells us what critical fact has been forgotten – that Christ cleansed or purged us (removed all our impurities) from our sin The word sin is missing the mark – we forget we fell short of God’s standard to be accepted into His presence. This is exactly what the Lord tells the church at Ephesus that was leaving its first love (Revelation 20). “Remember from where you have fallen.” When we remember what the Lord saved us from an eternity in hell – our love for Him must grow.
What can we learn? Spiritual growth is a decision that we make when we value what God values. Hebrews 11 gives us an example of that decision. “By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.” Moses was not shortsighted. He saw the riches and joy found in obeying God and committed his life to those riches. When we get to the Bema Seat there will be no excuse for not growing to be like Christ. Many will have to admit to the Lord that they did not find becoming like Him to be all that important. They lived their life in spiritual diapers.