10-23-24: The Remedy for Spiritual Shortsightedness

“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:10-11

Peter continues his plea to his congregation to grow in spiritual maturity, to make their lives on this earth count for eternity. He pleads with them, just as the Lord did in John 15 , to abide in the vine and bear much fruit.
Therefore Whenever there is a therefore in Scripture always
look to see what is therefore. In this case Peter is referring back
to his plea to be diligent in seeking to grow in our Christian faith.
Brethren We are reminded Peter is talking to believers. He knows
that it is possible for believers to waste the opportunities God has given them in this life.
Be even more diligent Peter urges a renewed effort in this area. Diligent means to be swift (go fast, be speedy); to fully applying oneself; to act fervently (speedy commitment) to accomplish all
that God assigns us through faith. The first time the word is used it is translated eagerly. It is also translated study in I Timothy 3:3 emphasizing the core feature of how we are to grow.
To make your call and election sure Here is a critical passage on assurance of salvation. Spiritual growth is the way we gain assurance we are truly saved – we see the Holy Spirit produce the fruit of the Spirit (Christlike characteristics in us) and this assures us God indwells us – the evidence of true faith.
For if you do these things We find another if-then statement in Scripture. If we pursue with zeal and urgency the goal of knowing Christ we can be assured of God’s promise.
You will never stumble God assures us that when we strive with urgency to grow we will not go back to what we once were. – our former life. Spiritual growth and backsliding into our formers lives cannot happen at the same time. This reminds us of God’s promise that in every temptation we face He will make a way pf escape – that way is to abide in Him – the same place we need to be to grow in grace.
For so an entrance will be supplied to you Peter now gives us an unbelievable truth of the importance of making spiritual growth a priority in our lives. All believers have an appointed time to meet the Lord – it will be either at our death or at the Rapture.
How believers enter heaven will vary greatly. Here Peter tells us of an entrance that is supplied to those who are growing spiritually. The word supplied is used of richly supplying everything needed for an ancient chorus to be a grand production. This is a victorious
entrance into heaven,
Abundantly into the everlasting kingdom Peter continues. This entrance is rich and overflowing. It word abundantly s used in Colossians 1:16 of Christ dwelling in us richly. That is the key to an abundant entrance into heaven.
Of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will enter the kingdom that belongs to the Lord
What can we learn? Not all entrances of believers into heaven will be rich and glorious. Some are saved “so as by fire”. The very smell of the depths of hell will be on some for their lives have been lived loving the
world. All their works that will be burned up and lost for eternity. So Peter tells us to ponder how we will enter the Lord’s presence – with glory and Christ’s likeness or in shame.