10-24-24: This Is The Reason

For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease.”
2 Peter 1:12-15

When my grandson left for college God put on my heart to begin sending devotions to him every day to encourage him, to motivate him, to challenge him and to keep his eyes on the Lord. Four years
later he has graduated but other grandchildren are now in their
their four year tours with more to follow. When I read this passage from 2 Peter it summarizes perfectly the reason I wrote these devotions – so we would never forget the One who died for us.
For this reason Peter knows how important it is to enter into
into the Lord’s presence abundantly (remember he knows personally
the shame of denying the Lord 0 he does not want this for us).
I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things
Peter would not stop his effort to warn and challenge believers to
make their lives count. Negligent means to be careless or disregard.
He would not fail to share this truth which should cause believers to
make every minute count for God.
Though you know and are established in the present truth Believers know this truth yet for many it does not seem to make a difference in how they live. Often we do not heed the truth God gives us. We have a tendency to forget.
Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent While God still allows Peter life on this earth he will remind believers (bring to their remembrance) this important truth. This message is truth and it must be shared.
To stir you up by reminding you Here we see Peter’s desire. He wants God’s truth to grab these believers hearts and shake them to their core. He wants to stir (it means to wake out of sleep) them to action for he wants to see them enter into the gates of heaven with their heads held high, praising the Lord – no shame!
Knowing that shortly I must put off my tent Peter knows he does not have much time left. Given that, he tells his spiritual children what is on his heart- serve God fully and faithfully – abide in Him, – become spiritually mature.
Just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me Peter remembers what the Lord told him about how he should live and how he should die. He knows he is bow close to the time of his death. What the Lord said is truth and so he shares it with us from his heart.
Moreover I will be careful The word careful is zealous. This truth is important to the Lord’s servant. He must share this truth while there is time. It is urgent others hear this!
To ensure that you always have a reminder of these things Speaking these words is noy enough. Peter writes them down and leaves them as a reminder. He wants believers to read these words and to constantly remember. The word remember can mean memorial – something to remember. Never forget this!
After my decease Peter leaves a legacy for those he loves. Long after he dies he wants to influence them.
What can we learn? When you get to my age, the same stage of life as Peter and the Apostle John, you begin to really understand John’s statement, “I have no greater joy that to hear my children walk in the truth”. This is exactly what Peter is telling his congregation at the end of his life. You reach this stage of life and realize that all that matters is serving the Lord faithfully. You realize that time spent pursuing the world’s trinkets is wasted as are many opportunities God gave you to serve Him. When you think on that you have two desires. First you want to redouble your own efforts to make every last second count for God and to finish strong. The second is to urge your children and grandchildren to start now – to redeem ALL the time they have– and finish strong all the way into the Lord’s presence. Run the race to the flag and enter His presence abundantly! Semper Fidelis