He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. John 21:6
The Lord stands on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and speaks to the
disciples who are in a boat on the sea. It is a familiar scene to the disciples but it is reversed from when the Lord teaches the
multitudes God’s word. Now He is teaching them from the shore while they stand in the boat. After having the disciples admit their failure to catch anything (that’s always hard for fishermen to do), the
Lord instructs them to where true success lies.
He said to them The Lord does what one who is self-sufficient and believes he knows what is best hates. This would be especially hard for experienced fishermen. Having someone standing on the shore tell us how to fish? Who does he think he is? Aren’t we the experts?
“Cast the net on the right side of the boat” The Lord
gives a directive to the men in the boat. There are many attempted explanation of why the Lord tells them to throw the net on the right side. Did He see a school of fish on that side? Is the right side opposite of hat fisherman normally do? The Lord may have many lessens buried in His directive but there is one clear message found in the Greek words John uses. Strong’s Concordance says that the Greek word “dexios” refers to the right hand or right side. It often symbolizes a place of honor, authority, or power. The right hand is frequently associated with strength and skill, as well as a position of favor and blessing.” The Lord is not sending a message just about catching fish but about who Peter is to honor in his life if he is to be fruitful for the Lord. Only when Peter puts Christ on the throne and acknowledges His authority will Peter bear fruit for the Lord.
“And you will find some.” Note the Lord gives His guarantee. When Peter puts the Lord on throne his life will be prosperous and fruitful. There will be great success. Let go of your pride and self-sufficiency and listen to the direction of the One who knows. Throw your nets on the right side of the boat – trust the authority of the almighty Lord’s word.
So they cast it Sometimes we are slow to grasp the spiritual truths the Lord is teaching but not here. The disciples follow His command and cast their net over the right side of the boat. We see this is a step of faith. They may not fully understand the command but they did not argue and they did not demand an explanation – Peter and the disciples simply obey.
And now they were not able to haul it in What was the result of unquestioning faith and obedience to the Lord’s command? The disciples experienced the same result we will and that was promised to Israel in Malachi 3:10. “Thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” The light is dawning over the sea and in the disciples’ hearts.
Because of the quantity of fish The Lord lets the disciples look at the rewards of willing obedience. They can catch a lot of fish. Now the question is do they want to spend their life catching fish?
What can we learn? The lesson in the Lord’s command is not to teach the disciples how to catch fish. The lesson is who do they honor? Who will they obey? Will they depend on themselves or will they place the Lord on the throne to guide and direct our steps? The same questions confront each od us.