He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.”He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” John 21:16
Scripture does not tell us how much time elapsed after the Lord’s first question to Peter. Did he have time to think and meditate on what the Lord asked and said to him? Noe the Lord speaks again.
He said to him The Lord heard Peter’s answer and given him a directive but there is no response from Peter. When the Lord said to go and bring Him some fish, Peter sprang into action, but now there is no response to “feed my lambs”.
A second time John notes this is the Lord’s second question. In Jewish tradition, the number two could symbolize witness or confirmation, as seen in the requirement for two witnesses to establish a matter. The Lord asks for Peter’s verification that what he said is true.
“Simon, son of John Again the Lord uses his old name indicating his life is being lived in the flesh
Do you love me? Once again the Lord asks if Peter loves Him enough to sacrifice everything for Him as He once claimed. Again the Lord uses the word ”agape” as the test of his love.
He said to him Peter quickly responds to the Lord’s question.
Yes, Lord; you know Peter appeals to the Lord’s omniscience. The Lord knows everything, even Peter’s sinful heart. What Peter once argued against is now his evidence.
That I love you. Peter cannot bring himself to claim he will sacrifice all to live for and serve the Lord. He knows his life is a failure and he is no longer qualified to serve.
He said to him, “Tend my sheep”. The Lord responds to Peter’s answer but He broadens His statement. In addition to the act of feeding the Lords flock here the Lord says he is to ‘act as a shepherd, which involves tending, feeding, and guiding a flock”. If all he has is a warm fondness for the Lord there is a role for him. He can love his brother and care for him.
What can we learn? The Lord is teaching an important principle to His servant. The Apostle John, who observed this interaction, understood what the Lord was saying and it literally changed his life and message. By asking Simon Peter if he loves Him, the Lord focuses Peter on the core of the Christian life. If we love the Lord, we will hate sin for it is rebellion to God. If we love the Lord we will not be able to live in sin for we will detest it. If we love the Lord we will want to obey what He tells us. If we love the Lord we will serve others, which is what the Lord told Peter – feed, tend my lambs and sheep. The sequence the Lord presents is the key to the Christian life. If we love him we will obey naturally because we want to please the One we love. If we try to obey without love, we become legalistic – forcing ourselves to abide by certain rules even when we don’t want to. Don’t miss the sequence the Lord presents to Peter – love is the engine that produces obedience.