He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.” John 21:17
He said to him The Lord and Peter are in the middle of their conversation.
The third time The Lord speaks to Peter a third time. Does it cross Peter’s mind that he denied the Lord three times?
Simon, son of John For the third time the Lord calls Peter by the name of his old nature – Simon. The Lord does not mince words.
Believers living in the flesh are governed by their old, carnal natures and Peter’s sin of self- centeredness must be addressed in order that he can be restored to service for the Lord,
Do you love me? For the third time the Lord asks Peter the same question. Who does he love? Who is at the center of his life, who rules over his behavior?. Peter made a bold declaration of allegiance to the Lord but his actions show those words are not true. The Lord challenges him to think about the meaning of that claim. Who does he want to serve? There is a significant difference in the Lord’s question this time. He does not ask Peter if he has “agape” self-sacrificial love for Him. It is proven he does not. Instead the Lord uses the same word Peter professes – “phileo”. The Lord asks Peter if he is sure he truly likes the Lord a lot. Is the fondness he professes truly genuine? How true is it?
Peter was grieved Peter is disheartened at the Lord’s question. The word grieved indicates a deep emotional pain or distress, often associated with disappointment. This question hurts badly.
Because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” Peter’s heart is downcast – because Lord asked him the same question three times but also because the Lord questions Peter’s heart – the Lord wants to know if Peter means this declaration.
And he said to him Peter quickly responds to the Lord. (He is heartbroken that this question has been asked but he is also well aware that based on his behavior, it is a fair question). If Peter does not respect the Lord he is not even a true follower of Christ. Yet this question must be answered – its consequences are astronomical.
“Lord, you know everything” Peter no longer defends himself. He has nothing to support his belief. At this point Peter cannot even trust himself but he knows there is one thing he can count on – the Lord knows his heart. Peter yields to the Lord’s omniscience. He calls on the God of the universe to examine his heart and to testify he loves him even when he doesn’t act like it.
“You know that I love you.” What does one do when you have no answer for what the Lord asks you? When your life does not show evidence of your love and obedience for the Lord? First you examine your own heart to see if you can answer the question yourself. If your heart and life don’t align, you trust the omniscience of Christ to verify what is in your heart.
Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep”. For the third time the Lord tells Peter to prove it. Quit what he is doing and do what God called him to do. Your love for the Lord is shown by your obedience to the Lord. This is the proof his love is real. ““If you love Me, keep My commandments.” If our love is genuine, we will treat Him as our Lord.
What can we learn? Where love for God exists works that please Him result. The Lord tells Peter “examine your heart”. Keep it right. Guard it! If it is full of love you will serve me in the way I have served the Father – unquestioningly following His will.