“Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” John 21:18
The Lord’s instruction to Peter is not over. After re-teaching him that love is the basis of pleasing God, the Lord, who know everything, tells him what to expect in the future. Peter made a great confession to the Lord many days ago. He told the Lord he was ready to go to prison or even die for Him. The Lord now tells Peter God will grant him the desire of his heart, but it will happen in God’s timing. More importantly the Lord tells Peter he will be faithful which is all any believer can hope for in this life.
Truly, truly The Lord shares a true statement – great assurance can be placed in these words.
I say to you The One who knows everything speaks. Peter’s denials did not surprise Him, neither do his acts of love and faithfulness. He knows all and speaks the truth.
When you were young The Lord describes the way Peter acted when he was young. While the Lord appears to be talking about chronological age, it also applies to Peter’s maturity in Christ.
You used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted The Lord gives the example of Peter doing as he wanted – he picked out his clothes and planned his own agenda. He was the ruler of his life – he thought he was in complete control.
But when you are old Things will change. Peter will learn differently. The Lord now makes a comparison. Peter will becomes spiritually mature – Proverbs tells us this is at time of wisdom. Spiritually wise, mature people see things from God’s perspective.. John tells us why. “I write to you, fathers, because you know Him who is from the beginning.”
You will stretch out your hands In his time of spiritually maturity when he knows the Father in a very personal way Peter will gladly stretch out his hands. This is a figure of speech for crucifixion. As a mature believer knowing God he will be glad, not fearful, to die for the Lord as he once promised. But the Lord does not tell Peter he will be faithful. Will he deny the Lord agan?The Lord does not tell Peter the for the key is for Peter to constantly abide in the Lord and live in His strength.
And another will dress you and carry you Peter will lose the freedom he once treasured as a youth. Others will take control of what he once gowned. The men Peter feared will come for him, This is the Lord’s will for his life.
Where you do not want to go. They will take him to his death. God’s will in God’s way in God’s timing,
What can we learn? Three lessons stand out. First failure is not fatal in the Christian life. Even when we are not sure in our hearts the Lord, who knows all. will receive us and restore us. Even thought we have failed God can provide opportunities to bring Him great glory. Second, we see that what we fear in our youth as believers we will be able to endure as we mature in Christ and as we come to know Him and His greatness. Finally we see that when we know God, we need not fear men. They may control our lives and even lead us to death but they cannot do anything to the love in our hearts for the Lord.