While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” Matthew 26:6-9
Peter is walking with the Lord in His last few days before the cross. The disciples are nervous about going to Jerusalem but that is exactly where the Lord leads them. The disciples witness the triumphal entry into the city which likely raised their spirits, Perhaps their fear of the Scribes and Rabbis is unfounded. But then things change.
Mary anoints the Lord’s feet with oil reminding them of the anointing of the Passover lamb. Mary’s act created criticism from Judas and a lot of silence from the rest of the disciples. Afterwards the Lord chastised them for judging Mary for her worship. Then Peter saw the Lord place a curse on a fig tree for its failure to bear fruit. The next day the tree was withered and barren – a thought that likely troubled Peter.
Next Peter witnessed the Lord act in anger in the Temple. He drove out the money changers and animal sellers. Peter watched the scribes and rabbis confront Jesus about this act. They told Him to rebuke the people for praising Him which He refused to do. Peter knew the Lord’s action infuriated the scribes and rabbis.
Now the disciples sit with the Lord for a meal at the house of Simon the Leper. The disciples do not realize it but they are only two days from the cross. (Matthew 26:2) While they are eating another event occurs. In fact it is almost a replica of what occurred just two days before. A woman, her name is not given, enters the room. In her hand is an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume. She approaches the Lord and pours the liquid on his head as he is reclining at the table. Once again a beautiful scent fills the room as this woman worships the Lord and anoints Him not only as the Passover lamb but as the King of Israel. Immediately all the disciples react. This woman is
unknown to them so they do not hold back their irritations. This time the response bursts from all the disciples simultaneously, Despite the Lord’s chastisement of Judas previously all the disciples now all pick up his grievance. Once again the Lord has to intervene. “But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. In pouring this ointment on
my body, she has done it to prepare me for burial.” (Matthew 26:10-12)
What can we learn? It is interesting that those who walk with Jesus do not seem to comprehend what is transpiring. Either that or else their trust and faith in Christ is not near what some who are on the outside is. This woman has a deep love for the Lord and desire to exalt His name. Peter and the disciples seems to be influenced by the
circumstances around them, They are worried about what might happen rather than trusting the Lord. We see how the disciples and Peter’s anxiety has grown. Here they criticize a women (it is easy – they do not know her) for her devotion to the Lord – to give Him all she had. Peter (as well as us) could have learned from this lady. When we do not know what is going to happen and things looks bleak, trust in the Lord and given Him your all – that changes one’s perspective on everything.