3-5-25: The Lord of Truth Speaks To His Church

“These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has
the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts
and no one opens.” Revelation 3:7

The Lord continues to remind the Philadelphians who is speaking to them.
He who is true The Lord reminds the church that has been shaken by earthquakes that He is the true and faithful one. The word
describes something that is real or genuine as compared to that which is false, counterfeit or can’t be counted on. He is true because He is the full and genuine revelation of God (unlike the idols worshipped in the temples of their city). The word “true” is used to describe Jesus as the “true light” and the “true bread”. It is also used
of true worship to God which the Philadelphians are offering.
So what does it meant the Lord is true? Later in Revelation 6 John uses the term “holy and true” to speak of God – Philadelphia is to remember Jesus is God who is speaking to them. He reminds them that the message they are taking to the world around them is the genuine message of salvation compared to the idolatry and false prophets who are persecuting them.
He is also telling them that He is holy and has scrutinized their work against His standard and since He is holy and cannot lie what He is about to tell them is absolute truth. Why is this important? This church is not one of the large, famous churches, it is small and in itself is weak.It did not have famous pastors like Ephesus. This church has something more important ,however. It has the Lord who is pleased with their service. There is another thought. The Lord has spoken truth to His other churches and it stung them. Perhaps they did not like His correction. To Philadelphia there is no correction, just commendation. That, perhaps, is hard for them to accept but he Lord tells them His assessment and words are true. They can count on it.
He who has the key of David To the humble small and weak church The Lord gives another assurance. The key is a symbol of authority. With this phrase the Lord refers to Isaiah 22:22. In that passage Hezekiah, the king of Israel has a treasure house. It was the royal treasury of the house of David. The treasury continued to grow in size and wealth so that by the time of Hezekiah it is loaded with massive riches. To that treasury Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, was given its key to dispense it as he saw fit, to control of its riches, he could give away or he could shut the doors of the treasury. The key of David, then, was the authority over royal riches. Here the Lord tells the faithful church at Philadelphia, “I’m the one who has the key of David. I’m the
one who can open the treasure house and pour out on you royal riches.” To people who were probably under persecution in the city
and who lost everything in the great earthquake the Lord tells them He is the one who gives them great and true riches.
He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens The Lord is in absolute control. Just as the city of Philadelphia could open or shut the access between Asia and Europe so does the Lord have absolute control over the open door He gives to His church to witness. No one can stop what God opens. But God can also
close that door so they should labor in the harvest now while there is time.
What can we learn? The Lord sends great encouragement to His church. In essence they are to keep doing what they are doing – loving and depending on the Lord. With their obedience to the Lord’s
will He is well pleased. As the Lord assures them of his evaluation, he also reminds them of the His absolute deity – in His calling, in His truth and in His authority.