3-7-25: The Synagogue Of Satan – Part 1

“Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. ` Revelation 3:9

After commending the church at Philadelphia the Lord now gives the
church a special recognition. He tells them what the outcome of their faithfulness and suffering will be.
Indeed Strongs Concordance says this word draws attention to a particular statement or event. It is an imperative to the listener to pay close attention.
I will make They are to remember who is speaking. It is the risen Lord – the holy and true Messiah who acts with all the authority of the Godhead.
Those of the synagogue of Satan The Lord states who is attacking the church at Philadelphia. For the second time in the book of Revelation the Synagogue of Satan is mentioned. The other faithful church of the seven, Smyrna, was also attacked by the same group. But who are they? Synagogue means an assembly of people, especially for religious purposes. In the New Testament, it is most commonly used to denote a Jewish place of worship and community gathering. Second we see this religious gathering is Satan’s, the
adversary of the Lord. Thus we learn the attackers of the Lord’s true and faithful church are all counterfeit religions led by the Lord’s adversary. Don’t miss it – Satan forms false religions.(One mat ask, how can a religion be satanic? Remember the Loed said “If you are not with me, you are against me”, There is only one truth!)
Who say they are Jews and are not In the case of the church at Philadelphia the synagogue of Satan resides with the Jews. They denied the Messiah and chose to follow their own manmade religious laws yet they claim they are true. The Lord makes it clear that false religions, these “gatherings” , claim they are from God but are not. This is what Paul tells us clearly in Romans 2:28. “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.” Poison that is labeled as truth can still kill.
But lie The Lord says clearly the assembly of Satan lies. The word “lie” suggests a deliberate intention to deceive or mislead others. This should not surprise us for God tells us Satan is the father of lies. These lies will continue to grow as we move closer to the Tribulation. The Lord said at the end of the age in Matthew 24, the lies of Satan will be so convincing that,” if it were possible, they would mislead the very elect”. (Thank God it is not – study God’s truth!)
Indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet The Lord uses the word “indeed” a second time to draw attention to the importance of this statement. He is the truth, His church speaks the truth and obeys the truth. They are accused now of preaching false doctrine but these unbelievers will be forced to admit that the
Lord’s church speaks the truth. “Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.”
And to know that I have loved you A day will come when every denier of the Gospel will know the Lord loves His church. These false prophets will realize that what this small church told them was the truth of the God. Thus the Lord shows the conflict every faithful church fights – God’s truth versus Satan’s lies. So we do what Philadelphia did – “speak the truth in love”.