“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.”
2 Timothy 4:3-4
In the Vietnam War the Unites States implemented a concerted psychological warfare effort to lure members of the Viet Cong
army to renounce their allegiance to Ho Chi Minh and to pledge allegiance to democracy. This effort was called “winning the hearts and minds of the people.”
Interestingly this is what spiritual warfare is about. As believers we take the truth of God’s word into enemy strongholds. We know that if others know ” the truth, the truth shall make them free.”
At the same time, the enemy attacks believers to sway their hearts. Satan distorts God truth by modifying it – he exchanges “the truth of God for a lie”. He tries to confuse and deceive by calling lies truth. Thus we see that every follower of Jesus Christ and every local congregation of believers is in danger of being attacked and dlured away from the truth. The Lord knows there is no level of spiritual maturity from which we cannot fall if we begin to trust in the our own strength rather than in the Lord’s power. Thus we are told in
God’s word to abide in Him and to endure (not depart) from His place of spiritual truth, safety, strength and fruitfulness. Paul warned Timothy of this very real danger.
For the time will come Every believer will be attacked; battles cannot be avoided.
When they will not endure sound doctrine One attack will be around doctrine – God’s truth. Believers are tempted not to endure (there’s that word) or hold onto God’s truth. The word endure means tolerate. Satan markets the word of God as old fashioned and irrelevant. It is not suitable for modern man. That is the first step to drifting away.
But wanting to have their ears tickled Paul tells Timothy how temptation begins. God’s word is not enough. People are tired. They want something more, new and exciting. This is what Satan did to Eve in Eden and he will use this same strategy with others. Tickling means to hear something that is pleasing – lies that appeals to our flesh in place of God’s truth.
They will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires Here we see Psalm 1:1 played out right before us.
The one who is tired of God’s word finds a false prophet with a new, interesting message to share. They settle down with Satan’s messenger to learn about this exciting new doctrine. God warns us this teaching appeals to our desires but it is not from God. And will turn away their ears from the truth Paul tells Timothy where Satan’s deceit always leads. The first step separates the hearer from the truth. God’s word is mocked as old and out of date -irrelevant. Then Satan leads the person to quit give up, quit listening to the word of God. The truth of God is considered fable from ancient, unlearned and unscientific men.
And will turn aside to myths Satan’s first step is to turn a person away from God. The second step is to replace God’s truth with myth. Romans 1:25 says it this way. “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.” Satan’s path always leads to idolatry.
What can we learn? The synagogue of Satan that is attacking the church at Philadelphia has one goal. It desires to separate the people of God from the word of God. Satan knows the Word is where the power of God resides. He knows God blesses those who abide in His word with much fruit. Therefore Satan lures believers in in every way possible to forsake God’s Word. ENDURE!