“You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demonsbelieve and tremble!” James 2:19 Today there are people who say they do not believe in God. They are not concerned about an after life or facing accountability for their lives or their sin. There are many more people who say they believe… Continue reading 1-2-24: “The Demons Tremble”
Author: Web Editor
1-1-24: “Their Works Follow Them”
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them“. Revelation 14:13 We come to the start of a new year. This is a time when 38.5% of US adults ponder what they want to do… Continue reading 1-1-24: “Their Works Follow Them”
Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Demise of Talent
Warren Bennis in his classic book, Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues, discussed the forces that impact leaders and diminished their ability to lead. Bennis knew that the environment in which a leader operates impacts his or her ability to lead. A great leader in one setting may be totally ineffective in a… Continue reading Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Demise of Talent
Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Warren Bennis in his classic book Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues, discussed the forces that e impacted leaders and diminished their ability to lead. One of the major forces was what Bennis called ominous societal trends. This article is an attempt to look at one of those societal trends that I adversely… Continue reading Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Dunning-Kruger Effect.