Daily Devotionals

Has Your Staff Ever Pushed You Into Actions You Knew You Shouldn’t Take? The Need For Leadership Conviction

Doug WilsonApr 23, 20167 min read

Recently I read an interesting article, “WHY IS IT SO EASY TO GET PEOPLE TO DO BAD THINGS?” http://iheartintelligence.com/2016/04/13/people-do-bad-things/. In the article, the author reviewed…

Should A Leader Praise A Team For Trying Hard But Finishing Second?

Doug WilsonApr 22, 20166 min read

“It is better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all” I was watching my last place, bumbling Atlanta Braves play…


Doug WilsonApr 21, 20161 min read

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”…

Why You Keep Getting Passed Over For That Promotion

Doug WilsonApr 21, 20163 min read

In today’s “only judge me by my performance” culture apparently a lot of managers are looking beyond the numbers turned in at the end of…


Doug WilsonApr 20, 20161 min read

“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” –Warren Bennis

Do You Know The Difference Between An Engineer and A Manager? Caution: The Truth Hurts!

Doug WilsonApr 20, 20163 min read

I was in a plant working on a project and one of the senior linesmen called me over to his station. When I go there…