
“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” – WARREN BENNIS

Changing A Sick Organizational Culture: The Story Of A Slow Elevator

The story you are about to read is true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. The Organization During my early career I accepted a job with an organization in which the culture can best be described as bureaupathological. How the organization stayed in existence was beyond me. The unit was a training… Continue reading Changing A Sick Organizational Culture: The Story Of A Slow Elevator

What Can We Learn From One Upset Mom In A High Risk Situation?

Both mother AND son — whose filmed confrontation on the edge of the Baltimore riots went viral — are speaking out about what happened and why the teenager, wearing a mask and carrying a brick, was there in the first place. (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/04/30/mother-son-baltimore-protests-confrontation-tv-viral/26628207/) The pictures of the mom in Baltimore are riveting. A mother storms across… Continue reading What Can We Learn From One Upset Mom In A High Risk Situation?

How Management Can Get Its Groove Back

Today, management is a four-letter word. The common belief is that anything that smacks of management, especially people management, is to be avoided at all costs. Many believe that all managers are bad and all leaders are good. If the truth is told, management adds tremendous value to organizations and to staff. Without proper management,… Continue reading How Management Can Get Its Groove Back

Leadership In Pictures #5 The Myth of The Perfect Leader

This is the last in a five part series entitled Leadership In Pictures. When one reads current leadership articles it often feels like Diogenes roaming the earth searching for the truthful man (or woman). Writers bemoan the fact that they cannot find one person who consistently exhibits sound leadership principles techniques and who applies them… Continue reading Leadership In Pictures #5 The Myth of The Perfect Leader

Leadership In Pictures #4 Change Without Movement

Management vs. leadership: the differences and similarities are often analyzed, discussed and debated. Many believe managers are always bad and leaders are always good. In reality these terms do not refer to types of people but different types of work. Management focuses on activity and leadership focuses on people. Both are needed to achieve and… Continue reading Leadership In Pictures #4 Change Without Movement

Leadership In Pictures: The Subtleties of Great Leadership

Great leadership is grossly misunderstood. It is not that there is not enough knowledge about leadership: books, articles and seminars abound. There is just little understanding about what really makes leaders great. The first aspect of greatness was discussed in Drawing #1:Who Leaders Should Be. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leadership-series-pictures-drawing-1-doug-wilson?trk=prof-post). Without the character illustrated there, nothing else matters. Building… Continue reading Leadership In Pictures: The Subtleties of Great Leadership

Leadership in A Series of Pictures – Drawing 1

This is the first of several leadership drawings presented for consideration and discussion. Leadership is a very simple yet a very complicated action. The diagram below is designed to illustrate the many ingredients of the “recipe” for great leadership. Just as in cooking, it is the ways these ingredients blend together that create the unique… Continue reading Leadership in A Series of Pictures – Drawing 1


“It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who’s actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs… Continue reading Untitled