Daily Devotionals

Leadership In Pictures #5 The Myth of The Perfect Leader

Doug WilsonApr 22, 20157 min read

This is the last in a five part series entitled Leadership In Pictures. When one reads current leadership articles it often feels like Diogenes roaming…

Leadership In Pictures #4 Change Without Movement

Doug WilsonApr 20, 20153 min read

Management vs. leadership: the differences and similarities are often analyzed, discussed and debated. Many believe managers are always bad and leaders are always good. In…

Leadership in Pictures #3: The Hardest Job In Any Organization

Doug WilsonApr 14, 20151 min read

I can’t say it any better than this. What are your thoughts, ideads or comments? Copyright 2015 9 By 9 Solutions All Rights Reserved

Leadership In Pictures: The Subtleties of Great Leadership

Doug WilsonApr 12, 20156 min read

Great leadership is grossly misunderstood. It is not that there is not enough knowledge about leadership: books, articles and seminars abound. There is just little…

Leadership in A Series of Pictures – Drawing 1

Doug WilsonApr 8, 20152 min read

This is the first of several leadership drawings presented for consideration and discussion. Leadership is a very simple yet a very complicated action. The diagram…


Doug WilsonApr 7, 20151 min read

“It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could…