Has Your Staff Ever Pushed You Into Actions You Knew You Shouldn’t Take? The Need For Leadership Conviction

Recently I read an interesting article, “WHY IS IT SO EASY TO GET PEOPLE TO DO BAD THINGS?” http://iheartintelligence.com/2016/04/13/people-do-bad-things/. In the article, the author reviewed the Milgram experiments of the 1960’s. I quote from the author’s review of that study: “Stanley Milgram was a psychologist at Yale University. He started conducting experiments in July of… Continue reading Has Your Staff Ever Pushed You Into Actions You Knew You Shouldn’t Take? The Need For Leadership Conviction

Should A Leader Praise A Team For Trying Hard But Finishing Second?

“It is better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all” I was watching my last place, bumbling Atlanta Braves play the first place Dodgers. The Braves held their own on the entire series, losing two games in the 10th inning by identical 2-1 scores. In the last game a Brave’s… Continue reading Should A Leader Praise A Team For Trying Hard But Finishing Second?


I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” – Alexander the Great

Why You Keep Getting Passed Over For That Promotion

In today’s “only judge me by my performance” culture apparently a lot of managers are looking beyond the numbers turned in at the end of the day. If a poll by Career Builder is accurate there are at least three major areas that can de-rail a person from upward mobility other than the work they… Continue reading Why You Keep Getting Passed Over For That Promotion


“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” –Warren Bennis

Do You Know The Difference Between An Engineer and A Manager? Caution: The Truth Hurts!

I was in a plant working on a project and one of the senior linesmen called me over to his station. When I go there he asked me if I knew the difference between an engineer and a manager. When asked him what his definition was, he told me what he had learned over the… Continue reading Do You Know The Difference Between An Engineer and A Manager? Caution: The Truth Hurts!

Leadership Nugget #25: Forget the Feedback Sandwich. Get To Your Real Point

People tiptoe around giving feedback that others may take as negative. All types of leadership “wisdom” is provided on how to give negative feedback but unfortunately many if them only diminish the leader’s credibility by advocating the leader to play games rather than be honest and direct. Perhaps one of the dumbest techniques on how… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #25: Forget the Feedback Sandwich. Get To Your Real Point

Leadership Nugget #24: Bad Management Or Unethical Decisions ? You Better Know The Difference!

As I look back on my career in leadership there were two decisions made above me that caused me to question whether or not I could comply with what was asked. Was management above me making an unethical request or were they making a horrible decision with which I was in total disagreement but which… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #24: Bad Management Or Unethical Decisions ? You Better Know The Difference!

The Alarming Epidemic of Leadership Dishonesty

Jim Boeheim is the latest in a long line of disgraced leaders. In a stunning moment Boeheim’s reputation, legacy and accomplishments are gone but the actions creating the fall from grace have been in development over many years. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution’s Jeff Shultz writes: “Jim Boeheim has long been one of the nation’s… Continue reading The Alarming Epidemic of Leadership Dishonesty