
Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.- Peter F. Drucker


If demographic patterns hold, your children could be in the largest U.S. college freshman class ever. That’s because in 2007 U.S. births surpassed 4.3 million – a feat not seen since 1957, when college enrollment was less common. (Pew Research Center)

Trying To Create Role Clarity Is Making You An Autocrat – Part 1

The Role Clarifying Autocrat “This is your role.” “Here are your duties”. “Perform these activities and nothing else.” “Stay in your box.” “That’s not your job.” Or to paraphrase comedian Bill Engvall would say, “ Here’s your box!” We all have heard statements like these and whether the words were said politely or harshly, they… Continue reading Trying To Create Role Clarity Is Making You An Autocrat – Part 1

The Artist-Leader

Most leadership writers are overly prescriptive about what it takes to be a leader. Lists and recipes abound. Thought leaders suggest they have discovered the “Holy Grail” of leadership that leads to success if only the approach is followed (books and audio-tapes available!). The problem is that leadership is not mechanical and it is not… Continue reading The Artist-Leader

How Many Leaders Does One Organization Need?

You have heard these points of view before. Point of view #1: “Everybody can be a leader”. Not true. Everyone works with other people and is dependent on others to achieve results but not everyone is or has the capacity to be a leader. Point of view #2: “Leadership is influence.” Not true. At some… Continue reading How Many Leaders Does One Organization Need?

Can A Company Become Unleadable?

The consequences of sustained poor or average leadership can have devastating effects on a company, its success, and its employees. We often read about failures of leaders in academic terms (10 Traits Of The Bad Boss, etc.) but to watch in real time how confused or inadequate leadership can destroy the potential of a company… Continue reading Can A Company Become Unleadable?

Is Convenience Becoming Our new Ethical Standard?

Having her own personal e-mail server was simply a matter of convenience according to Ms. Clinton. It was too taxing for the Secretary of State to carry two devices: one for her government job and one for her personal e-mail (notwithstanding the iPad, iPad mini and Blackberry she carries). Maybe like the rest of us… Continue reading Is Convenience Becoming Our new Ethical Standard?

“That’s On Me” Why Is Accountability Just For the Little People?

One of the indicators of the quality of individual and organizational leadership is how pervasive accountability is in the workplace. Like every other important leadership principle that has become a fad, accountability may be implemented in a genuine way or it may be implemented in a way that shows that leaders apply this characteristic to… Continue reading “That’s On Me” Why Is Accountability Just For the Little People?


“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” – WARREN BENNIS