Daily Devotionals

“That’s On Me” Why Is Accountability Just For the Little People?

Doug WilsonJul 6, 20157 min read

One of the indicators of the quality of individual and organizational leadership is how pervasive accountability is in the workplace. Like every other important leadership…


Doug WilsonJun 15, 20151 min read

“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” – WARREN BENNIS

Changing A Sick Organizational Culture: The Story Of A Slow Elevator

Doug WilsonMay 5, 201510 min read

The story you are about to read is true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. The Organization During my early career I…

What Can We Learn From One Upset Mom In A High Risk Situation?

Doug WilsonMay 4, 20158 min read

Both mother AND son — whose filmed confrontation on the edge of the Baltimore riots went viral — are speaking out about what happened and…

How Management Can Get Its Groove Back

Doug WilsonApr 29, 20157 min read

Today, management is a four-letter word. The common belief is that anything that smacks of management, especially people management, is to be avoided at all…