Looking Into The Souls Of Psychopathic Leaders

In her article “7 Things Rich People and Psychopaths Have In Common”, Morgan Quinn reviews multiple studies on psychopathic behaviors. (http://www.reviewjournal.com/business/money/7-things-rich-people-and-psychopaths-have-common). The research Quinn cites in her article is summarized below with a fictitious leadership example (in italics) drawn from multiple real life examples. These examples are placed in the setting of a new leader… Continue reading Looking Into The Souls Of Psychopathic Leaders


“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.” General George Patton

An Open Letter to Leaders: You Are Not A Great Leader And Probably Never Will Be

Lets face it. Most of the readers on LinkedIn are searching for the Holy Grail – a leadership secret that will vault them far beyond their competition. (And most writers are offering that magic bullet which they, and they alone, have discovered). Yet leadership greatness is rare and does not come easily or without a… Continue reading An Open Letter to Leaders: You Are Not A Great Leader And Probably Never Will Be


Read my new article about an important national issue: The Decline of Entrepreneurship: Are We Hearing “The Death Rattles” Of Business?


“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” – Max Lucado

The Alarming Epidemic of Leadership Dishonesty

Jim Boeheim is the latest in a long line of disgraced leaders. In a stunning moment Boeheim’s reputation, legacy and accomplishments are gone but the actions creating the fall from grace have been in development over many years. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution’s Jeff Shultz writes: “Jim Boeheim has long been one of the nation’s… Continue reading The Alarming Epidemic of Leadership Dishonesty

Why Good Is A Barrier To Great and Great Is A Barrier To Operational Effectiveness

Bruce Kasanoff recently posted an interesting article titled “Why Good Is Not The Enemy Of Great”. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-good-enemy-great-bruce-kasanoff). In his article he makes a provocative statement: “Our mindless obsession with greatness may well be the root cause of much that is wrong today in the world of business and, well, the world.” Do not miss the… Continue reading Why Good Is A Barrier To Great and Great Is A Barrier To Operational Effectiveness

Maybe The Problem With Communication Is More Than Poor Listening Skills

Accenture recently surveyed 3,600 professionals from 30 countries. Participants were evenly distributed between men and women and across generations and their positions ranged from entry-level through management. One of the survey’s major conclusions was that listening skills are lacking in the workplace. Some of the findings were: 96% of respondents consider themselves good listeners 98%… Continue reading Maybe The Problem With Communication Is More Than Poor Listening Skills