
The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say “I.” And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think “I.” They think “we”; they think “team.” They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but “we”… Continue reading Untitled


“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.”   Abraham Lincoln

Should A Leader Be Friends with Staff?

“People, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world” Barbara Streisand When I was being trained to be a military officer in the early 1970’s we were instructed never to be friends with the soldiers reporting to us. Fraternization and friendship were to be avoided at all costs. Both of these actions… Continue reading Should A Leader Be Friends with Staff?

Dancing On The Head Of A Pin: Implications Of The Leader-Manager Debate

This article was originally posted on LinkedIn on June 24, 2014 Much discussion on LinkedIn is around whether or not managers are leaders. While there will never be a universally accepted answer to this issue (opinions are like noses, all of us have one!), confusion is caused if some clarity does not exist. So, just… Continue reading Dancing On The Head Of A Pin: Implications Of The Leader-Manager Debate

Why Leaders Can’t Lead: Maybe The Problem Is Not Leadership

This article was originally posted on LinkedIn on August 10, 2014 There are many challenges facing today’s leaders. Some of these challenges arise from societal trends that impact the workplace.For a number of years, I have researched societal forces that can change businesses and leadership. One of those trends is discussed here. While these societal… Continue reading Why Leaders Can’t Lead: Maybe The Problem Is Not Leadership

Flat, Self-Managed and Fun: Are We Positioning Organizations For Mediocrity?

This article was originally posted on LinkedIn on June 30, 2014 More is expected from the workplace than ever before. Companies are asked to develop foundational skills (compensate for the school systems). They are expected to be a place employees can find fulfillment and meaning (compensate for the home and the churches). They are expected… Continue reading Flat, Self-Managed and Fun: Are We Positioning Organizations For Mediocrity?

Teamwork Lessons From One Of Baseball’s Greats

Today I read Dan Schlossberg’s great article, “Gehrig’s image endures, 75 years after ‘luckiest man’, USA Today, July 4, 2014. While Schlossberg was not approaching the life of Lou Gehrig from a point of being a great teammate, the lessons jump off the page. Please read his moving tribute (quoted often below) to a great… Continue reading Teamwork Lessons From One Of Baseball’s Greats

Leadership: Wisdom Lies Beyond Head Knowledge

There is a great difference between knowing and understanding; you can know a lot about something and not really understand it. Charles F Kettering Deep or wide? Two events come to mind. First, a number of years ago, I listened to a presentation on wisdom. The speaker contrasted the definitions of wisdom used by ancient… Continue reading Leadership: Wisdom Lies Beyond Head Knowledge