Leadership Nugget #2: Leadership Training – Is Its Time Past?

How would your organization answer to questions posed in a recent study. Investment in front-line managers? 28% said “investing in managers. was a high priority.” Leadership Development take a sustained and long-term approach? 43% of respondents say management training programs are designed to “plug holes” and deal with short-term problems rather than with “long-term objectives”.… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #2: Leadership Training – Is Its Time Past?

Leadership Nugget #1: Treating Supervisors As Employees

“Businesses frequently don’t value front-line management role – 38% of respondents believe their company “doesn’t value the impact” of lower level management”. America’s Workforce: A Revealing Study of Corporate America’s Most Neglected Employee. Root Inc. & Kelton Research, April 1 2014 The hardest job in any organization is the first line supervisor. This position is… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #1: Treating Supervisors As Employees

The Value Leadership Adds: How Our Wrong Focus Makes Every Leader A Failure

The purpose of this article is to describe the areas in which leadership contribute value. As such, it addresses the position of leadership. It does not refer to individual leaders. The reason for this is simple: individual leaders are unique; groups of people they lead are unique and situations are unique but the areas in… Continue reading The Value Leadership Adds: How Our Wrong Focus Makes Every Leader A Failure

Where Does The Credibility To Lead Come From? Part 4: Thoughts On How Credibility Is Gained And Lost

According to Jim Clifton, President and CEO of Gallup Corporation, “A staggering 75% of the American public believe corruption is “widespread” in the U.S. government. Not incompetence, but corruption. This alarming figure has held steady since 2010, up from 66% in 2009.” There has never been a time that credibility and trustworthiness of leaders has… Continue reading Where Does The Credibility To Lead Come From? Part 4: Thoughts On How Credibility Is Gained And Lost

Where Does The Credibility To Lead Come From? Part 2: Personal Sources of Credibility

Leadership is in disrepute and the situation is getting worse. It is the purpose of this four-part series to explore the sources of credibility that provide leaders the right to lead. The complete credibility model will be presented in part four. Part 1 of this series addressed the fundamental core from which credibility arises –… Continue reading Where Does The Credibility To Lead Come From? Part 2: Personal Sources of Credibility

Where Does The Credibility To Lead Come From? Part 1: The Foundation of Credibility

Leadership is in disrepute and the situation is getting worse. It is the purpose of this four-part series to explore the sources of credibility that provide a leader the right to lead. The complete credibility model will be presented in part four. Leadership does not just magically appear. A mysterious leadership anointing does not fall… Continue reading Where Does The Credibility To Lead Come From? Part 1: The Foundation of Credibility

30% of American Leaders Are Considered Great. How Do You Know If You Are?

Few Great Leaders In a 2013 research study Gallup made an interesting observation about American leadership. They reported that in America approximately 100 million people hold full-time jobs. To lead and manage that group, Gallup estimated (using a 10:1 span of control) that 10 million great supervisors were needed. An additional 1 million leaders of… Continue reading 30% of American Leaders Are Considered Great. How Do You Know If You Are?

The Most Important Leadership Skill You Never Thought About

Thought for Contemplation: Great leaders do not think in silos! One wonders how all the high achieving thinkers ended up writing posts about leadership and all the dullards ended up in actual management roles. Only in our imperfect world could such a mismatch of talent occur. If one reviews the multitudes of leadership posts, he… Continue reading The Most Important Leadership Skill You Never Thought About

Trying To Create Role Clarity Is Making You An Autocrat – Part 1

The Role Clarifying Autocrat “This is your role.” “Here are your duties”. “Perform these activities and nothing else.” “Stay in your box.” “That’s not your job.” Or to paraphrase comedian Bill Engvall would say, “ Here’s your box!” We all have heard statements like these and whether the words were said politely or harshly, they… Continue reading Trying To Create Role Clarity Is Making You An Autocrat – Part 1

The Artist-Leader

Most leadership writers are overly prescriptive about what it takes to be a leader. Lists and recipes abound. Thought leaders suggest they have discovered the “Holy Grail” of leadership that leads to success if only the approach is followed (books and audio-tapes available!). The problem is that leadership is not mechanical and it is not… Continue reading The Artist-Leader