Why Leaders Can’t Lead: Complexity and Bureaupathology

Warren Bennis in his classic book, Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues, discussed the forces that impact leaders and diminished their ability to lead. Bennis knew that the environment in which a leader operates impacts his or her ability to lead. A great leader in one setting may be totally ineffective in a… Continue reading Why Leaders Can’t Lead: Complexity and Bureaupathology

Leadership Nugget # 23: When Polls And Majorities Define Leadership

Tony Robbins: What is leadership? What makes a great leader? Often the “leaders” we see on TV or in the media today are figureheads that do what’s popular, but not what’s right. http://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2016/04/07/tony-robbins-most-leaders-do-whats-popular-not-whats-right/#78de29d52060 A generation of spineless leaders is emerging. This is not because the leaders start off spineless but it occurs because our society… Continue reading Leadership Nugget # 23: When Polls And Majorities Define Leadership

Leadership Nugget #21: So You Think You Know Talent

Overqualified: Having more education, training, or experience than is required for a job or position. Dictionary.com Underqualified: Insufficiently qualified for a particular job. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/underqualified Question: Does the right hire depend more on the person who is hiring than the person being hired? Copyright 9 By 9 Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved

Leadership Nugget #20: The Intersection Where Direction, Commitment, Excellence and Meaning Meet

Tried employee engagement and it did not work? Held company picnics, college sweatshirt and employee appreciation days and not getting a long-term impact to the bottom line? Then maybe you are doing employee engagement all wrong. Engagement is all the rage in businesses today. Consultants and thought leadership gurus are on the bandwagon about how… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #20: The Intersection Where Direction, Commitment, Excellence and Meaning Meet

Leadership Nugget #22: Is Competition An Effective Workplace Motivational Approach?

Competition is good! Competition is bad! At some point in every leader’s careers he or she will have to decide whether or not to use competition to motivate staff. Some people swear by competition and use it as often as possible. They see it as focusing staff and creating a game-like, fun environment in the… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #22: Is Competition An Effective Workplace Motivational Approach?

Leadership Nugget #19: Is Consistently Bad Leadership Better Than Sporadically Great Leadership?

Transparency is often defined as the responsibility of the leader to make information, data and even thinking available to employees. But there is another aspect of transparency that is important, possibly more important than sharing information. That additional factor deals with future transparency, the ability of employees to read the leader, also known as predictability.… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #19: Is Consistently Bad Leadership Better Than Sporadically Great Leadership?

Leadership Nuggets #18 : What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate (And It’s Getting Worse)!

Have To Share Bad News? Call In Sick! A new survey conducted by Harris Poll with 2,058 U.S. adults — 1,120 of them were employed, and 616 of the employed people were managers — showed that a stunning majority (69%) of the managers said that they’re often uncomfortable communicating with employees. Over a third (37%)… Continue reading Leadership Nuggets #18 : What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate (And It’s Getting Worse)!

Leadership Nugget #17 : A Fable About Teaching And Coaching

I once heard the story of a young preacher who was given his first assignment, a small country church. The young minister was simultaneously excited and terrified. All he had prepared for and wanted to do was now at his doorstep. As he prepared for his first sermon he was focused on making an impact… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #17 : A Fable About Teaching And Coaching

Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Deification Of Leadership

Warren Bennis in his classic book, Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues, discussed the forces that impact leaders and diminished their ability to lead. Bennis knew that the environment in which a leader operates impacts his or her ability to lead. A great leader in one setting may be totally ineffective in a… Continue reading Why Leaders Can’t Lead: The Deification Of Leadership

Leadership Nugget #16: Leadership Development Pipelines? You Have To Be Kidding!

The image is powerful: a giant pipe with millions of leaders spewing out the end. Unlimited leadership talent for decades ahead! Leadership pipeline is a popular term in management circles today and consultants and leadership thought leaders have jumped on the bandwagon to make sure they are speaking on this cutting edge issue. In fact,… Continue reading Leadership Nugget #16: Leadership Development Pipelines? You Have To Be Kidding!