
Normal Reaction or Being a Jerk? In Lisa Eadicicco’s recent article, “How Steve Jobs Reacted When A Top Apple Executive Left For A Competing Company”, http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-jobs-reaction-when-jon-rubinstein-quit-2015-3, she describes Job’s disbelief and disappointment when a long time employee and friend left Apple for a job in another company. This is a common problem for leaderw when… Continue reading Disloyalty?

Categorized as Values


I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” – Alexander the Great

Why Copying Other’s Best Practices Means You Often Get Worst Practices

Recently I read an article on the most overused and meaningless phrases in organizations. (There were sure a lot of them! It seems many people communicate in buzzwords and catch phrases without having any idea what the terms mean. Maybe that is why we are so bad at identifying talent. Sounding like a person knows… Continue reading Why Copying Other’s Best Practices Means You Often Get Worst Practices

Persuasive Communication: A Powerful Tool In The Leader’s Toolkit

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.” The Captain, Road Prison 36 from Cool Hand Luke Leadership Communication Leadership communication is an interesting topic. First we know that communication is essential to any and all relationships. People cannot work together and collaborate together without the ability to communicate. As such, communication underlies everything… Continue reading Persuasive Communication: A Powerful Tool In The Leader’s Toolkit

When Fairness Rules The Workplace

From a time in the not so distant future The President of the United States announced today that “Total Fairness” has finally been achieved in the workplace. The President credited the inspired leadership of the newest federal agency, the Federal Agency for Impartiality and Respect (FAIR) for making fairness possible. In the future organization will… Continue reading When Fairness Rules The Workplace

Are Lazy Teachers Ruining Generations of Potential Talent?

To the 10-20% of excellent teachers that exist, I apologize and thank you for what you are trying to do. The problem is that most of the other 80% thinks they are in the 20% and do not appreciate the damage their shoddy teaching practices are doing to our youth. Recently Kenneth R. Lutchen wrote… Continue reading Are Lazy Teachers Ruining Generations of Potential Talent?

Does 10,000 Hours Of Practice Make A Great Leader?

“When I was in school the teachers told me practice makes perfect; then they told me nobody’s perfect so I stopped practicing.” Comedian – Steve Wright • 61% of Americans think athletic ability is mostly achieved through practice and hard work. • 25% think it is mostly something with which you are born. • 14%… Continue reading Does 10,000 Hours Of Practice Make A Great Leader?

The Cheating Pandemic: Have We Become A Nation Of Cheaters?

Pandemic: occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population (Merriam-Webster) Leaders are dishonest and untrustworthy. Leadership trust is at an “all-time low. Leaders are two-faced liars. They cheat, they are not fair and they take advantage of their workers. People like this do not deserve to be in… Continue reading The Cheating Pandemic: Have We Become A Nation Of Cheaters?

Are You A Courageous Leader?

We all want to be courageous. We read of stories of heroes, men and women who do extraordinary acts. We want to be that person yet we wonder if we would be courageous if we faced that situation. We all like to think we have courage but sometimes we wonder if that is true. Over… Continue reading Are You A Courageous Leader?